Page 32 of Fury
“No one here,” I mumbled as we got to the back door that was firmly shut. “You sure there ever was?”
Fury turned suddenly, taking a step closer. But the way he loomed over the top of me wouldn’t scare me, more so now I was barefoot in front of him.
“What are you implying?”
His voice was low, not quite threatening, but there was something in his tone.
“Well, it’s rather convenient that there was an alarm I couldn’t hear, and suddenly you’re outside ready to ‘help’”. I showed the insinuation with my fingers, drawing quotation marks in the air.
But instead of getting angry and defensive, he smiled.
“Doll, I didn’t need to rescue you from intruders to get you to drop your pants for me. It’s only a matter of time.”
“Fuck you.”
“You will.”
“Fucking won’t.”
He chuckled, deep and warming, and I ignored the flutter of my stomach. There was no way I’d let the arrogant fucker near me again.
“Come on,” he reached for my elbow, and I shrugged it away. “Fine, stay here in the dark. I’m going to check the cameras.”
I watched him move past me, walking off until the shadows consumed him, and I took my eyes off the way his jeans hugged his arse, and tightened around thighs to the point I could see the lines of muscle underneath. Fuck.
He was already at my desk waiting for me in my office when I caught up with him.
“Waiting for your laptop, doll. You’re going to need to login.”
“It’s fine. Thank you for checking the premises. You can go now. I can check the cameras by myself.”
“And if you see something you don’t like?”
“You mean like us?”
Fury smirked. “Nah. You’ll love us.”
The man was insufferable.
“I’ll need that seat then.” I wafted my hand towards him and watched as he stood up and bowed before taking a step back.
The laptop took an age to fire up and seemed to go even slower, with Fury hanging over my shoulder, his breath rustling the little strands of hair on the top of my head. Pausing the footage at the time of Fury’s alert, I flicked through the camera frames. Each camera showed nothing, until the very last footage at the back of the building.
The image was blurry, not catching much other than a shadow through the glass window of the back door. But as the recording played back, the movement was clear. Someone in dark clothing approaching the door. They paused, reaching forwards and a red box flashed around the frame. The alert sounding to Fury’s phone, not mine. Then the person dressed in dark clothes looked up, stepped back and ran off.
“See. Wasn’t me,” Fury’s voice grumbled in amusement from over my head.
“Might have been. Can’t see anything clearly on this.”
“I’m way taller than that. I need to adjust that camera at the back. Doesn’t look like it captured that would-be intruder enough. We need to know who it was.”
“Me,” I reminded him. “I need to know who it was. You’re just setting up the cameras. Then we’re going to give your ex-president a good send off. And then you can go about your merry way.”
Fury’s hand slid onto the desk beside me, his arm touching mine, before it brushed across my chest, and I heard the sudden inhale of air. And if I’d heard it, he had too. He reached for the mouse attached to the laptop, positioning the curser over the email icon and bringing my inbox up on the screen, going straight to the email I’d kept pinned at the top.
“And what are you going to do about this, huh? I mean, I know what I would do about it if you were my woman.”
“That’s great, Fury. I’m going to ignore it. People like that just want to scare others. It’s just a threat. Someone looking for the attention I won’t give them. A threat I’m going to completely ignore.”