Page 28 of Sunshine Kisses
Her mouth parted, and it would be easy—so easy—to brush his thumb against her bottom lip. To lean in and capture it softly with his own. Her breath hitched and it was like she’d tugged on a string directly connected to his heart. It was a world away from being the right moment, but the words were coming before he could stop them.
‘Abby, I need to tell you some—’
‘Hey, Squirt, your parents just called.’
Abby’s head whipped towards the front door. Erik’s now empty hand dropped to his lap as he glared up at his brother. Wasn’t he supposed to be at university? Why was he always here?
‘They wanted to know if you’re here, because you’re not answering the phone, but apparently you’re grounded.’
She hadn’t mentioned that yet.
‘Shit,’ Abby whispered. ‘What did you tell them?’
‘That I haven’t seen you all evening, and all the lights are off at your house, so I’m assuming you turned in early.’ Alex’s grin was downright gleeful and, not for the first time, Erik marvelled at his brother’s ability to convince people of anything. The disarming combination of charm, cheek, and cool detachment that had people eating out the palm of his hand. ‘I have to say I’m impressed, Squirt. What did you do to get yourself grounded? And then sneaking out on top of that? Where did their perfect little girl go?’
Over the top of Abby’s head, Erik scowled at his brother and shook his head once.
Alex finally seemed to take in his protective posture. The red blotches covering Abby’s cheeks and nose. He shrugged. ‘They said they’ll be back in an hour. Just get home before then.’ He disappeared back into the house.
‘Come on.’ Erik stood, pulling Abby up after him. ‘I’ll walk you home.’
She leaned on him as they began the short trip to her house, wrapping an arm around his bicep. Moonlight glinted off her hair, turning it silver. Erik toyed with an errant curl, steering his mind away from thoughts of walking her home after dates and kissing her goodnight on her front steps.
‘I didn’t even thank Alex for covering for me,’ Abby said when they reached her front door.
‘I’ll pass on the message.’ Erik tucked his hands into the pockets of his pyjama bottoms, gripping the fabric to stop himself reaching for her. ‘You should get inside.’
Abby lingered, her soft eyes looking up at him. ‘You were going to tell me something. Before Alex came out.’
He’d been swept up in the moment earlier, but now his self-preservation instincts had him shaking his head before he could even consider confessing the truth. ‘Nothing important. Goodnight, Sunshine.’ Erik leaned in to kiss her forehead. ‘I know it’s shit right now, but I’m so proud of you for standing up to them.’
A small smile spread across her mouth and his heart swelled in proportion.
‘Thank you,’ she whispered, face still close to his.
‘For what?’
She shrugged. ‘Just you.’
Back in his bedroom a few minutes later, Erik settled into his pillows with his phone in one hand and the battered copy of Sense and Sensibility he’d been reading to her for the last few days in the other.
‘Hey,’ Abby’s tired voice answered as the call connected.
‘Hey, Sunshine. Want me to tell you a story?’
Chapter 11
Cinnamon Girl - Lana Del Rey
I’m sorry
Can we talk?
I’m sorry