Page 65 of Sunshine Kisses
‘Yeah. That wasn’t exactly the dream first dinner I had planned to show your parents what a catch I am. But yeah. They needed to hear it. And I’m prepared to keep telling them until they listen.’ Somewhere above her head, Erik blew out a hard breath. When he looked down at her again, his eyes were blazing. ‘I know there’ll be hell to pay in the morning, but tonight…tonight I don’t want to think about anything that isn’t you.’
The intensity of his gaze had her whole body igniting.
‘I think that can be arranged.’
Chapter 23
Tonight You Are Mine - The Technicolors
he second Erik slammed the door shut, Abby was pressed against it, caged by his hands as he kissed her.
She was never going to get tired of this.
Calm, contained Erik losing all control the second he got her alone was easily the sexiest thing she’d ever experienced. Going so many years with him so close at hand and not spending all their time doing exactly this suddenly felt like a crime against humanity.
Maybe her feelings around sex would be less complicated had Erik been sneaking up the stairs to do this after his parents went to bed on a Saturday night.
Erik’s hands slid down the door, stopping when he reached the back of her thighs. He gripped them, applying just enough pressure to make Abby lift her legs and wrap them around his waist. He groaned into her mouth at the contact. She whimpered as he pressed her harder against the door.
‘This okay?’ he murmured.
‘Fucking perfect,’ she muttered, dragging his lips back to hers.
Erik had always been so gentle with her, touching and holding her delicately. And she adored that care and tenderness. But in that moment, it was driving her crazy that he was comfortable being rough with her. Finding pleasure and intimacy in a way that was so new to them. After a lifetime joking that they always knew what the other was thinking, it didn’t surprise her that they seemed completely in sync in this way too.
Digging his fingers deep into her thighs to hold her in place, Erik carried Abby across the room and deposited her on the desk. She’d have bruises tomorrow. Worth it, that feral little voice deep in her head whispered.
Erik unknotted her limbs from his body, smiling when she pouted and reached for his belt.
‘I want to treat you.’ Her voice dropped to barely a whisper as she admitted, ‘Taste you.’
The idea of treating him was only partly true. It would be just as much for her. She’d been fantasising about her mouth on him since they’d played Truth or Dare, desperate to feel the weight of him on her tongue thanks to those joggers revealing the long, hard line of him.
He shook his head, a small whine escaping him at her words. ‘I want that so fucking badly. But I had a plan for tonight. Plus, we had a deal. And where would we be if I just let you do whatever you want?’
A flash of pink caught her eye, and Abby tore her gaze away from Erik’s to the hand that had been rummaging in the desk drawer. A hand now clutching a familiar piece of pink silicone.
‘You knew I’d grabbed your stuff from your room,’ he said, some shyness creeping into his smile.
‘And why do you have it now?’ Abby breathed.
Erik stepped back between her legs and ducked his head to her ear. ‘I’ve kind of been fixating for the last few days. I want to watch.’
‘Why?’ It was a stupid question, really. She’d want to watch him.
‘Because I’m a little obsessed with the idea of making you come in as many ways as I can. Because I’m desperate to know what you like. What you do to yourself when you’re alone in the dark. Because it feels like I was deprived of the whole experience the other night. And because you are insanely sexy when you finish but I can’t appreciate it fully when you’re so tight and wet and warm around me that every bit of strength is focused on making sure I don’t explode instantly.’
With his breath on her skin, his hands sliding over her waist, and his hard body pressed against hers, she was finding it hard to concentrate. On some level, her brain still flagged the idea as wrong. Shameful. Embarrassing. But her body was begging her to give in, the spot between her legs thrumming with need. Erik’s strong hands bracketing her hips grounded her, reminding her how safe she was with him.
He pulled back when she didn’t respond, a gentle hand replacing the warmth from his mouth on her neck. ‘If you’re not comfortable…we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, baby.’
That wasn’t it. The idea became more appealing with each passing second. But—
‘No. It’s just, I don’t really do…that? I didn’t even own a vibrator until a few days ago. The other night was the first time I’d ever used one. I don’t know what I’m doing.’
‘Do you want to try?’ Erik asked softly. ‘I don’t think there are a lot of ways it can go wrong.’ He flashed a small smirk. Combined with his messy hair and the flushed skin disappearing into the white cotton of his half-buttoned shirt, the effect was devastating.