Page 19 of Locked Souls
“I’m going to wash real quick, then we can go back to the Academy. Jacob just called Tempest. They are at the hospital having a talk with Ash. No one is allowed back just yet, so we have time.”
“Did you find the baby bags? We should also grab some stuff for Eli,” I think out loud, and Jonas yawns.
“Tempest got all that, they are in the SUV already.”
I leave him to do whatever and grab our pillows, and Chasity’s favorite fuzzy blanket, then go downstairs and grab a bag of snacks for Eli. Tempest is making coffee, and I groan at the smell.
“I am going to become addicted at this point. Hopefully, we can all get some rest soon, or we are going to become zombies,” I mutter and she laughs.
“There are worse things we could become addicted to, Bast. I think coffee is a mild one.”
I nod, because she’s right. We just went to a friend’s funeral who overdosed. We were on the football team together, and it was a shock to us all.
Milo had demons we never knew about, and I guess failing the final task for The Society was his last straw. He was a major asshole, and broke Ash’s wrist once, but that doesn’t mean his life was worthless.
“Okay, let’s head to the Academy and grab the kiddos. Chastity is awake now and wants Eli. Can’t blame her. Romeo has only been away from me a few hours, and I’m already having withdrawals.”
Filling up some travel mugs, she hands me mine, and we wait for Jonas to join us before locking up the house and walking to the SUV.
Something shifts in the corner of my eye, but when I look, no one is there. The early morning sun is now shining, so if someone was hiding, they would be spotted.
“Fuck, is it just me or do you have the heebie jeebies now that we know Isa is out there gunning for our girl?” I ask and Jonas grunts.
Climbing into the driver’s seat, I look behind me to make sure there isn’t some secret assassin hiding in wait for us. When it’s clear, I shake my head and laugh, then start the vehicle, making a loop around the driveway, back to the gate.
There’s a package waiting by the iron bars. Jonas jumps out and gets it before I can tell him to wait. It’s a brown box, with a blue ribbon that has ducks on it wrapped around it. No note or card.
“Don’t open it until we get to the hospital,” I warn and he nods, placing it on the floor by his feet.
“Just give it to Jacob when we arrive,” Temp says, and I know she’s on edge now too.
“Fuck, this is supposed to be a happy day,” I grunt and Jonas sighs.
“Our lives have always been shadowed with fear and darkness, even on the days when we should have had nothing but sunshine,” he mutters, and I groan, rubbing my eyes.
It’s true. We have never had a loving and happy life. Growing up, dealing with the lies and shame, and death of parents. We got some closure when we joined The Society, but the memories still weigh us down at times.
“Hey, you guys are finally here,” Chas says with a huge smile when we enter the private suite she’s in.
Levi is zonked out in a reclining chair, and she’s cooing at a small pink bundle in her arms. I hand Eli to Jonas and rush over to meet our daughter.
“She’s perfect.”
“Ten fingers and ten toes, two eyes and a button nose,” Chas says with a small laugh, and my heart is melting.
I love being a dad. It took some time to get used to the idea when we first found out she was pregnant, but when Elijah was born, it was almost instinctual. I am the fun, goofy dad that gives him way too many treats and then sends him off with Jonas or Levi, but I would lay my life down for him, as I would for our little princess.
“Do we have a name yet?” Jonas asks, leaning closer to see her, wiping one of his eyes.
Chastity reaches up and takes Eli, placing him on her chest. He can’t take his eyes off his sister, and I can already tell that he’s going to be her protector.
Ash may not have been in his life, but he’s a lot like his dad. Quiet, clever, and protective. “Charity Juliet Madden, like my mom and yours,” she says, looking at Jonas.
We don’t know who the bio dad is this time, but we have an inkling it's Jonas.
“Really?” Jonas gasps, and Chas has tears in her eyes. Laughing, he looks off at the wall, then sighs. “Jules is going to have a huge confidence boost after this, not that she needs one,” he grumbles, thinking about his crazy teen sister.
She’s been a great babysitter and aunt when she’s around, but lately, she’s become a tad boy crazy, and is driving us wild.