Page 36 of Locked Souls
I still worry about how Isabella is going to treat her when she realizes Charity and I are coming after her. But, I think, if I ask Grandmother, she may be open to taking her in and keeping her safe within Holy Cross’s walls.
I just wish we could have gotten Angel before it was too late. I’m still not ready to have that particular chat with my sister. She has been through so much in just twenty-one years of life.
She is a miracle. Her strength was born with blood and tears.
If only we could have females in The Society, instead of using them as Eve’s. She would be a prime candidate.
“Should we wake him up?” Ash asks, and I shake my head.
“Leave him. We have other things to discuss right now.”
Moving behind my desk, I take my seat and wait for the others to sit. Snake leans against the wall, which is fine, but it bothers me that he doesn’t always follow my rules.
“Tomorrow night, we will be getting our next group of initiates, and with all the shit going on, I’m going to need some help. Father Pierce, as you know, is the Panther, and he’s currently indisposed.”
Ash moves closer to the desk and I grunt. “There are a list of possible Adams and Eves for this new group, but we are going to need to do a lot of deep digging into their families. I don’t need any information getting back to Isabella.”
Ash pulls out a knife from his pocket and starts to play with it. I know that working undercover has changed him, but I hope he can handle what’s still to come.
“From here on out, I am no longer Jacob, I am the Dragon. We will need to get you some names and robes as well. I am going to have you—Jonas, Ash, Bast, and Levi—take over for the Eagle, Snake, and I.”
Jonas jolts out of his chair and begins to pace. “Who is going to be at home with Chastity and the kids?”
“Otto, and we have some guards watching the property. We are going to be moving once more in a few hours. Levi is packing as we speak.”
“Why not just stay here at the Academy?” Ash suggests, and I think about it.
“I guess that would work. We have some of the best security measures here, and we could place you guys in the east wing, which has secret tunnels leading down here.”
“I’m sure Chas and Tempest won’t love the idea of being back here, but it’s better than moving every few weeks,” Jonas mumbles and I nod, pulling out my phone to text Otto.
He’s been acting weird the last week, and I’m worried about him. I love him, and he’s it for me, but lately, he’s mentioned having feelings for Tempest, and it’s confusing him.
I would never stand in his way if he wanted to explore things, but I will not step aside. He’s mine and I am his.
I must have been thinking too long because David wakes up and stumbles over to where we are.
“Jacob, I need to talk to you,” he slurs and I sigh. Waving my hand, I dismiss the others, and wait until they leave the room.
“Honestly, I think Levi should be here if you’re trying to have some kind of fucked up heart to heart with me,” I mutter and he groans, dropping into Ash’s abandoned seat.
“Levi and I will talk another time. I owe you an apology. I always suspected that you were mine, but your mom was married, and so happy. I didn't find out until she died, but by then it was too late. The man who raised you, he's dangerous. There is so much you don't know.”
“And who's fucking fault is that? You don't think I know what kind of man he is? That I didn't have to deal with his abuse and punishments, all in the name of saving my soul? How his wife would sneak in and rape me? That my baby sister, Kara, may be my daughter!”
Shit! I didn't mean to say that. That was a secret I was hoping to take to my grave. I've never even told Otto.
David's face pales, and he stands up quickly, moving to the garbage can in the corner of the room, expelling all of the booze in his system.
Closing my eyes, I rub my temples and sigh. The memories want to hit me, haunt me, but I can't go back to that place.
Chastity wasn't the only one who had to survive that house of horrors. I wish I was stronger back then, to protect her.
“Jacob, your father is in bed with some really dangerous people. The Society has been trying to take them down for longer than I've been a member. Isabella is just a small fish in a huge ocean.”
Scoffing, I open my eyes and laugh. “So much for me being the boss. Call in the others, it's time to have a long overdue chat.”
“I will be there tonight, but after that, it's all up to you guys. I don't have time for this bullshit. We are in the middle of a war, and the Panther still hasn't been found.”