Page 47 of Locked Souls
“Living room. Looks like she was up early. Snake’s in there too.”
Nodding, I leave him and walk toward the living room.
Charity is asleep in a wooden bassinet, and Snake is sitting in a chair next to her, just watching her breathe.
Chastity is laying on her side, facing the back of the couch, cuddled into three fuzzy blankets.
“Hey,” I grunt, nodding to my… Fuck, he's my father-in-law now, isn't he? “How long has she been asleep?”
“A few hours. She fed the baby, then we started to watch a movie, but she didn't last long.”
“Movies tend to put her to sleep, but she always wants to watch one. So this was the big project?” I wave my hand toward the wooden cradle and Snake sits up straight, his chest puffed with pride.
“Yes, I wanted my grandbabies to have somewhere special to sleep. I… I'm leaving, Levi. I have to get back to the job before people start looking for me.”
He glances over at Chastity and his shoulders slump. He looks upset about having to leave, and I don't blame him.
“We will be here when you return. Now that Chastity has met you, she won't let you go.”
Standing, he pulls me into a quick hug, then leans down and kisses Charity's head, smiling.
“She's amazing. They both are. You're blessed, Levi. Don't make the same mistakes as me. Cherish them.”
I nod. “Always.”
He leaves the room, and I can hear him waking Ash up.
The door across the hall slams open and a furious Jacob emerges. He's shirtless and his pajama pants are dangerously low on his hips.
“What's wrong?” I ask, instantly alert. His eyes are glossy with unshed tears, and I can hear Otto crying in the room behind him.
Jacob looks at me, then Chastity, who is starting to stir.
“Tempest is gone.”
Since getting the news that Tempest is missing, things have gone to total shit.
Ash and Snake took off, back to the compound to spy on Isabella. The rest of us left for Holy Cross, not even bothering to pack more than the essentials, and the new bassinet, of course.
That thing is amazing, and Chastity wouldn't leave it behind.
Rome won’t stop asking for his momma, which set Levi off. We haven't seen him in hours.
He's down in the gym, punching shit.
Jonas is pacing, worrying himself sick about Ash being back in that succubus’ clutches, and Chastity hasn't stopped crying.
We are all broken messes, and we need to find a way to trust that The Society has a plan, and will bring Tempest back home safely.
Rocking Rome in my arms, I'm trying to shush him and get him to take a nap. It's not working.
Someone knocks on the door, and Jonas moves to answer it. Otto stands there looking more distraught than Chastity.
I knew something was going on between him and Tempest. He looks like his heart has been ripped from his chest.
“Give him to me,” Otto grunts, and Rome jumps into his arms, burying his face into the man's neck.