Page 58 of Locked Souls
“Please, someone, help me,” I whimper softly, my words sounding like a jumbled slur.
All I can see are eyes. So many are staring at me. Watching me. Someone's little hand reaches for mine, but I curl up into a tighter ball.
“Shh. It will all be okay,” someone whispers.
How can they know that?
We are trapped in this place. Who knows how long for! Is this Hell? If not, then it's purgatory.
A bright light flicks on above us and I gasp. I'm surrounded by so many children. The one trying to comfort me is holding a toddler, rocking him to her chest.
She has pretty eyes, and they remind me of someone.
“Do I know you?” I slur, and she pauses.
“I'm Kara. Maybe you know my sister or brother. My mother hates me because I resemble my brother so much.”
“Where are we?”
The lights are still on, but there aren't any adults here. Just children. It looks like some kind of twisted daycare.
There are toys, though they are mostly broken, a few places to color, and some ratty blankets, but there are nowhere near enough to go around, and they are far too thin to provide any real warmth or comfort.
I'm the only one chained up. They seem to be able to move around freely. Though I don't see why they would want to.
“My mother calls it the playroom,” she mutters, then sighs. “She brings me here when I've disobeyed her, but it's not a punishment like she thinks. I enjoy spending time with the kids.”
“Who is your mother?”
“They call her Boss Lady here, but my father called her Isa.”
My eyes widen, and I try to sit up. I'm now wearing a long shirt, it gives me a modicum of modesty, but it doesn't stop the chill.
“Chastity is your sister? She's my best friend.”
Kara's eyes fill with tears and she nods. “She left when I was little, but she was so nice to me.”
“She's the best.” I sigh, thinking about my bestie. She's probably lost in her grief over my disappearance.
I hope those guys of hers are keeping her from the chapel. I won't be able to survive this place if she does anything stupid, like trying to end her life again.
We chat for a little while until a guard comes to return Kara to her mother. She gives me a hug and whispers into my ear, “Don't trust anyone but the spiders.”
“Huh?” She gives me a look, pleading with her eyes for me to understand, but I think I'm still delirious.
The tall man in the black clothes rips us apart and drags her out of the room. I try to fight against my chains, but it's hopeless.
Some of the children begin to cry, so I shush them, offering them what little comfort I can while restrained.
This place really is hell, and from the looks of it, some of these kids have never seen the outside.
I wonder if they were born here.
The door opens again, and I hope it's Kara returning.
It's not.