Page 60 of Locked Souls
Ligature marks and bruises cover her naked flesh, and Isabella's signature brand is melted against her breast.
“I'm sorry. No one deserves this life,” I mutter softly, then close her lifeless eyes and leave her for the moment.
I don't know how much time I have, and I need to check Isa's computer. Her files are encrypted, but not to me.
I have been her loyal servant for way too long. I have stayed by her side, witnessing unspeakable acts, and disposing of countless bodies.
My soul is as tainted as hers, and I know she will haunt me in Hell for all of eternity.
As her computer loads, I check all of her desk drawers, ignoring the sex toys and weapons.
She really has a penchant for blood play. At one time, when I was young and dumb, I didn't mind her slicing me as I fucked her.
Now, she makes my skin crawl.
As I reach the bottom drawer, something sticks out to me. It's a folder with The Locked Souls Society labeled on it.
I double check that I'm still alone, then place it on the desk and open it up.
“Oh, fuck!”
We are completely screwed. Isa has photos of everyone, including Spider and me.
She has bank accounts, phone records and hour stamps, and it looks like she's been watching us for a long while. Biding her time before striking.
There isn't anything about Angel, but there is a file on a little girl named Hope.
She looks like my Chastity. This must be her. I pull out my phone. I have to call Jacob and tell him. He will know what to do.
The click of a gun echoes through the room as I bring the phone to my ear.
“Ah ah ahh, I wouldn't do that, Snake,” Isabella sneers from behind me.
I slowly turn.
“Snake? You there?”
I end the call. Behind Isa, there is a hidden panel in the wall, with an open door. Fuck.
“Ah I can see by your shock you didn't know about my secret tunnels. Imagine my surprise when I came to check on my little pet here and found a snake slithering in the grass.”
“Isabella, lower the gun. You know I'd never betray you.”
“See, Snakey, that's where you're wrong. I've known for a while that you are a spy in my garden, but I kept you around because you've always been so pleasing, but I knew one day it would come to this.”
Before I can say another word, she pulls the trigger, and a burning pain explodes in my chest, just under my rib cage.
Pouting, she gives me a look like this is all my fault.
“It's a shame, but such is life. I'd leave now, if I were you. Run back to your little girl before it's too late.”
Holding my stomach, I wait for another shot, but she rolls her eyes and walks back into the wall.
“Bye, bye, Snakey,” she cackles.
I don't know why she's letting me go, but I'm not going to waste another second.
This isn't the first time I've been shot, but I know it could be fatal. The bullet didn't leave an exit wound, and I'm going to bleed internally.