Page 66 of Locked Souls
The moment we left the Academy, I instantly knew we shouldn’t have. There is the quiet foreboding hovering around us, and no one makes a sound the whole ride to Isabella's underground compound.
I still can't believe she's been doing all of this under The Society's nose, only thirty minutes away from us.
Ash was only thirty minutes away from us the whole damn time. All those nights when Chastity sobbed and prayed on her knees until they turned red and imprinted from the carpet. Begging for him to return, and he was only a half hour away.
I shake my head and grunt when Jonas smacks my shoulder. He nods toward Bast, and I reach over to pat his arm.
He's a mess. His face is crumpled and he's on the verge of tears. I think he knows that this won't go according to plan.
Someone cranks up the radio, and Jonas glares at the offending music. Rooke is bouncing around in the driver seat, chewing some bubblegum and blowing bubbles.
Patience reaches over and pops one with a long nail as he laughs.
Jacob looks over his shoulder at us, and I can tell he's worried too. Something just isn't right here.
“I feel like we're forgetting something,” he mumbles, scrunching his nose the same way Chastity does when she's thinking too hard.
We've been waiting outside the compound for ten minutes, and I've yet to hear gunshots or screams.
“Should we pray?” Jonas mumbles and I nod.
“You should do it. I mean, you pretended to be a priest for almost a year,” Jacob says with a smirk, and I laugh.
“Fuck off. But, yeah, I'll do it.”
Rooke turns the music off, and I'm surprised when Patience takes Jonas’ hand.
“After the hell I've been through, a little prayer goes a long way,” she mutters with a shrug.
I nod and begin a prayer. “Dear, whoever the fuck is in the sky. Please, watch over us and help us return to those we love tonight. Let us save the innocents that are trapped inside, and help them find peace once they are free.”
Jacob snorts and I sigh.
“No, for real, God, if you're listening, keep us safe. Our families need us, and the people prisoned underneath us don't deserve another day in Hell,” I state solemnly.
“Amen,” Rooke shouts, then claps his hands and listens to something in his earpiece.
“It's showtime.”
Chapter 18
After the guys left, chaos ensued. Grandmother started to get nervous, saying that if something happened and the guys were compromised, the Academy would become a target.
She sent a lot of her students on a field trip to Disney World, and the ones that had been sent to her under court order, she relocated to another monastery. I guess she's had a plan in place for weeks now. Permission slips were already signed, and travel has been paid for by The Society’s pursestrings.
As for me, my kids, and Rome, we are now heading deep into the tunnels.
It's been quiet, for the most part, and the silence is affecting me. It gives me too much time to think.
“Thank you. I'm not sure I've ever told you that. Even though at times it was brutal, coming here is the best thing that's ever happened to me.”
Grandmother stops walking and turns to face me.
“Chastity, I want you to know, dear, that I am proud of you. There are a lot of regrets in my life, but my biggest is not saving you from that man and woman.”
“Jacob said those exact words to me last night. I don't blame anyone. Without the pain I endured and the obstacles I overcame, I never would have found the strength to become the woman I am today.”