Page 78 of Locked Souls
“Hi, I'm Chastity Madden, and this is my brother, Jacob.”
I offer my hand, but only the boy moves closer to shake it.
“I'm Hennessy, and this is my twin sister, Bailey… Our mom was a bartender. She used to drink a lot,” he stammers, then clears his throat as he looks over at the grave again.
“She only told us that our dad's name was Snake, but when she heard he died, she confessed everything. So, you're our sister?”
I nod. “Yeah. I didn't know about him either until he kidnapped me and saved my life.”
“Cool. Can we maybe swap numbers? I think I'd like to get to know you, if that's okay?”
Tears fill my eyes once more and I nod, handing him my phone. I offer Bailey a smile, but she still hasn't moved or said a word to me.
“Do you want to come back to the Academy for food? No pressure, but I have to get over there and feed my baby.”
Hennessy nods exaggeratedly, and I think he might really be excited to have another sister.
“I'd love that, actually. Can we follow you? My car’s just over there.”
“Yeah, I'd like that.”
Chapter 21
“I'm sorry, you want us to do what?” I shout, then cringe at the look Grandma Cross is giving me.
Damn, she may not be the boss of me anymore, but she still scares the shit out of me.
“It's really quite simple. I'm getting old, and wish to retire. By blood, Chastity is the next Cross in line to take over. I know she doesn't want to be a nun, so Jacob and I have discussed it. You may remove all religious aspects from the Academy and its academic program.”
“Wait. No more Mass?” Jonas blurts out, and I snort.
“No, child, after this school year has ended, you may remodel and turn this into a proper Academy. I will, of course, assist you, as will The Society.”
“You want us to run the Academy as a basic what…? A fancy tuition-based prep school?” Levi asks as he bounces Charity in his arms.
Chastity is running late for our meeting, and her grandmother has another appointment straight after, so couldn't wait on her. I wonder what’s keeping her. She went to lunch with her new siblings, but that was hours ago.
“Yes, Otto also mentioned you and him opening a program for all the women and children that were trapped in the compound. You could do that here in one of the old Chapels.”
I watch as the idea grows in Levi's head, and he starts nodding and smiling. “That would actually work well. Thank you,” he says with admiration and I groan.
“Does this mean we're going to become Headmasters?”
I'm about to leave my office when the door bursts open and Ash walks in. He looks hot, as in sweaty and delicious.
“What's up?” I grab my purse and start to pack away my laptop and some of the files I didn't finish today. I can do them tonight after the kids are in bed.
Ash walks around the desk, grabs me by the neck and kisses me hard, swallowing my moan.
“Hi,” I mumble against his mouth and he smirks, licking the taste of my chapstick off his lips.
“So, you've been the Headmistress for six months now, and no one has christened this desk.” He says it as a statement rather than a question.