Page 34 of Velvet Vendetta
A hand grips my elbow, and I turn to see Andrey, who managed to stagger toward me. “What the fuck have you done?”
“Me?” I point at myself with all wide-eyed innocence. “I didn’t do anything.”
“Isabella, I swear…” Andrey grates, but his body is starting to get weak. He fumbles around, staggering to a chair near his father.
“Isabella!” My father barks weakly. “What the fuck is going on here?”
“Did you do this?” James says, staggering to a chair. He looks up at me. “Why?”
I frown. Is James acting? He doesn’t look like the other three, and his eyes aren’t glazed.
“I swear to God, Isabella, you’re going to be in so much trouble if you did this,” Andrey sneers, and I can see he’s fighting the effects of the drug.
“Don’t fight it, Andrey,” I mock. Throwing his words back at him, ignoring the guilt, gnawing at me because he’d done a nice thing for me for my birthday. “You’ll find it’ll be much easier for you if you just give in.”
I smile and glance around the room. Time to go! I remember that Davey said I mustn’t leave the bottle with the drug in it.
“Sound the fucking alarm, Marco,” Andrey growls weakly.
“Don’t bother. No one’s coming,” I turn to tell my father. “The alarm’s temporarily out of order, just like your men.”
I smile smugly, reaching for the potent bottle of Vodka. Cradling it, I turn and look at Andrey, who’s now lost the ability to move. Wow, whatever this shit is that Davey got, it’s fucking potent.
I give Andrey a little finger wave. “Bye, hubby. Consider this a divorce.”
“Isabella,” Andrey sucks in a breath. “You… don’t…” I see he’s hanging on by a thread. “Understand, you’re in… you’re in danger.”
“Yes, and I always will be with you,” I tell him.
Before he can say anymore, I turn to leave, knocking into a wall of solid muscle that’s just stepped into the room. The rough black military-style uniform scrapes against my skin.
Fuck, are the SWAT team here to arrest me for drugging my family? I give myself a mental shake. Don’t be ridiculous.
My eyes run up his torso, up and up, fuck he’s tall, and meet familiar green eyes that I can now see are hazel with gold flecks and a devilishly handsome face with thick, neat dark hair.
“You!” I gasp, taking a step back, but he has hold of the top of my arms, so I can’t go too far.
“Hello, Izzy-B.” He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, although a flicker of emotion flashes in them. “We meet again.”
The use of a nickname stirs something at the back of my mind, but I’m too confused to try to pull it out. So, I say the first thing that comes to mind. “If you’re here to get your jacket back, now’s not a very good time.”
“Is it because you’ve just drugged your father, your cousin, and two Belovs?” he asks, laughing.
I gulp and suddenly realize he’s the help Genevra was talking about before I entered my father’s study. He turns his head and calls to someone called Pavel in Russian over his shoulder.
Okay, so not SWAT. Maybe Russian SWAT? My mind is whirling and wondering if this is part of the plan I wasn’t made aware of—a man just as big and broad steps up behind the man.
“Hold her,” he commands and then gently moves me toward Pavel.
Pavel nods, and to my amazement, the truly terrifying giant smiles at me before his large, beefy hands spin me around, and his arm locks around my waist. “I’m sorry, Miss Moretti,” he says before he lifts me, and my feet are no longer on the ground.
“What the fuck!” I hiss and start to wiggle. “This isn’t part of my plan.”
“Please don’t struggle, I don’t want to hurt you,” Pavel says in my ear.
I realize I have the potent vodka in my hands, so I go still and slowly start to unscrew the cap, wondering if this stuff works if it touches the skin.
“I’m immune.” Pavel guesses my intentions.