Page 57 of Velvet Vendetta
“That’s another thing I should’ve known.”
“You asked me. You’ve asked me many times about my love life,” Stacy points out.
“And you kept telling me you haven’t met anyone in particular,” I remind her. “But you were rather explicit about your sex life.”
“All of which was true,” Stacy assures me. “Except it wasn’t with many different men. It was with one man, and for the record, in all honesty, I’ve only had sex with three men. Two were non-consensual.”
“What?” My eyes are once again wide and popping, and my mouth is hanging open. “Stacy, what the fuck!”
“My mother decided I needed to be punished when I tried to get my inheritance from my grandparents early so I could move out.” Stacy’s eyes blaze with anger.
“Why didn’t she want you to move out?”
“She said something about your father would be pissed off with her, and until my twenty-first birthday. That’s when I would also get my hands on my inheritance.” She shakes her head. “So I decided I would show her, and I went to get the money. The lawyer was going to do it, but I needed my mother’s signature, and when I went to get it, she went bat shit crazy.”
“Oh no, what happened.”
“I couldn’t find her at home, and I knew where she’d be, so I snuck into the Velvet Lounge, then into the Dark Velvet Lounge, where I found my mother in a rather compromising position.” Stacy’s head pushes back. Her chin drops as she shakes her head. “I know your father doesn’t like to share, so I took a picture of her, then approached and threatened to send it to your father if she didn’t sign the documents.”
“Fuck, Stacy. You took a page out of my father’s book there.”
“Only, it didn’t end too well for me.” Stacy shuddered, and I saw her eyes darken. “My first few sexual encounters were horrible. They were with Harry, and he… he did horrible things to me.” She swallows. “But it was nothing like what happened to me that night. My mother grabbed me and took me to this one attorney they were trying to woo to join their firm. Donald Whitman.” She shudders again. “I guess at least she chose a handsome man in his mid-thirties and not some old dude.”
“No, Stacy!” I didn’t think my eyes could get any wider.
“He did some dark shit to me.” Her voice drops.
“So all that stuff you told me about the kinky stuff you did…”
“All true, but that was kinky and with the man I loved,” Stacy tells me. “This was dark, BDSM shit with whips, chains, and horrible.” Her eyes start to mist over again. “While that was awful,” her voice drops, “the worst part was that after the shock wore off—you know, of how my mother just handed me over to the sick pervert and what he was making me do.” She looked down at her hands. “I started to enjoy it.”
Fuck me. I can’t imagine what the sick fuck did to her, but I understand not being able to control enjoying that dark desire that swirls through you.
“You can’t control how your body reacts,” I tell her. “Men like that know what they’re doing and how to ensure your body responds.”
“After he’d finished with me, he was so gentle and just wanted to spoon with me for a while after he put salve on my aching parts and kissed them better until I was screaming in pleasure again.” She shook her head. “It was very confusing. Then, when I was leaving, I was caught by Andrey.”
“Oh no!”
Stacy nodded. “And what did my fucking bitch of a mother do? Pretended she was shocked to see me there and then lied to Andrey about how she’d already warned me twice about sneaking in there.”
“Cruella has nothing on your bitch of a mother.”
“The even worse part about this is that Donald enjoyed me so much he requested me again, and my mother told me if I went, she’d sign the papers.” More tears fell into her lap. “So I did it, and it wasn’t just for the papers. I wanted to go. There was this weird fascination drawing me back to Donald.”
“It’s what they do, Stacy,” I try to reassure her and put my arm around her. “They know how to lure you back. Kinda like creepy ice-cream men in those horrible trucks they drive.” I shudder.
“It was terrible. When I walked in there, I had the papers, and my mother slapped them onto the bar of the dark velvet and shouted at the top of her voice the little whore is here to fuck Donald.”
“Your mother needs to be locked up.”
“When Donald walked over to me, he told me to get onto my hands and knees and lick his shoes.” She clears her throat. “I said, are you fucking kidding me?“ Her eyes close, and she shakes her head. “Next thing I know, he kicks me. I fall back, and he bends over me, pulls my hair, and demands I do what she says. I’m no longer fascinated. I’m scared, and I want to get the fuck out of there, so I scream for help. Only, everyone in the club just stands staring down at me. All turned on by my pain.”
“You don’t have to tell me this.”
“I do!” Stacy nods. “It was then that I heard this voice boom across the room, and the crowd parted and disbursed in an instant. Don was hauled off me and thrown across the room. Strong hands helped me up, and our eyes met. I had never seen such a handsome man.”
“Andrey’s brother?” I guess, and Stacy nods.