Page 64 of Velvet Vendetta
I step up, and my eyes widen. “Fucking hell is that…?”
“Gustav, your father’s bodyguard.” James nods. “Nico, Marco’s bodyguard, is in the next room. They’ve managed to sedate him.”
Gustav is pulling at his restraints and screaming about the angel of death coming for him and his family, about fire burning down Boston if the angel doesn’t get the key. Now, the gold feeling has an iron grip on my spine.
“Are they tripping?” I ask.
“The doctors can’t find anything obvious with a quick urine test,” James tells me. “They’ve sent their blood work to the lab.”
“Did they check the men’s skin and clothes?” I look at James questioningly
“You think they were sprayed with the same shit you were?” James frowns.
I told him about when I was sprayed in the face with something similar to what we were drugged with eight weeks ago.
“I didn’t have a trip. I just went down, and while I was falling, the world started to look weird, shakey, double, and distorted.”
“You think Gustav is just having an adverse effect on NeuroVeil?” James’s brow creased tighter.
He nods and knocks on the window. He’s ignored until the sedative starts to knock Gustav out.
“Sorry, Mr. Helm.” The doctor pops out of the room. His eyes land on me, and he smiles. “Well, if it isn’t Dr. Andrey Belov.”
“Hey Martin,” I greet the man with whom I used to work. “Working the psych wards now?”
“Yeah.” He nods. “And you? Thinking about coming back to medicine?”
“No.” I shake my head and then turn my attention back to Gustav. “He’s my father’s bodyguard. Any idea what did this to him?”
“We’re waiting for his blood work,” Martin tells me. “But there was nothing in his urine.”
“How did you get him to piss. He seems out of his mind.”
“Whatever he took has scared him to the extent that he pissed his pants,” Martin shakes his head. “The other guy was just the same, and they’re both sprouting the same thing about the angel of death bringing hellfire on us all if they don’t get a key.” He sighs.
“We’re responsible for them,” I tell Martin. “If you could let us know if you find anything.” I glance at Gustav, now in a soothing sleep. “Oh, and maybe check his face and clothes for the residue of some sort of hallucinogen toxin.”
Martin’s eyes widen. “You think he was sprayed in the face with something?” He shudders. “That’s fucking frightening if there is something like that out there.”
“Keep this between us, Martin,” I warn him. “I’m not sure it is the same shit. But I was sprayed in the face with a substance that knocked me out.”
“Jesus!” He runs his hand through his hair. “I’ll get their clothes checked out.”
Martin hurries off, and I turn to James. “My mother came into my office with a gash on her head.”
“What?” James breathes. “Is she okay? Was she with Marco and Ivan?”
“I think so.” I nod. “She muttered something about they’ve been taken.”
“Isabella’s brother?” James said, his eyes darkening. He glances at Gustav. “No, that’s not good, Andrey, if it’s…”
“Fucking Konstantin!” I growl.
He nods. “Oh, here.” James fiddles in his pocket and pulls out a folded piece of paper. “I was on my way to give you this when I got called by the hospital.”
I take the paper, open it, and look at James in disbelief. “Are you sure?” He nods.
“I’ve got a helicopter ready to go, and I’m coming with you,” James tells me. I nod.