Page 73 of Velvet Vendetta
“The what show?” Konstantin’s brows furrow in confusion.
“You know the movie The Truman Show?” He shakes his head. “It’s about this man who had this idyllic life, but it turns out he’s lived his entire life on a reality television show.”
“And he didn’t realize he was living on a television set?” Konstantin’s brows draw together. “That’s stupid.”
“Do you think I’m stupid, too, then?” My eyes narrow. “I lived my whole life up until now not knowing my father was a mafia boss or that I was living on top of the dark criminal underworld!”
“That’s because your father designed it that way.” Konstantin’s voice softens, and his eyes fill with regret.
“Our father!”
“He’s not my father!“ Konstantins’ eyes harden, and his jaw sets. “But I do see your point about that show. I can understand why you’d liken yourself to it. You grew up not knowing anything differently with a whole other world going on in the background.”
“Exactly!” I gesture with my hand. “One afternoon, the walls around my carefully crafted existence started to crumble, and then they completely fell away. Now here I am learning I’m a mafia princess married to a Bratva Pakhan and about to have his twin babies.”
“Twin babies?” Konstantin’s eyes widen. “When did you find that out? I didn’t authorize any doctor’s appointments.”
“I don’t know. It’s just this feeling.” The last half of his conversation registers with me. “Since when do I have to have my doctors appointments authorized by you?”
“Don’t get upset, little sister.” Konstantin holds up his hands. “By authorize, I mean to ensure you have a security detail to take you there and the best doctor.”
“Nice catch!” I fold my arms over my chest and glare at him. “I think I’m going to take Lev up on his offer to live in Italy with them.”
“Good choice.” He nods. “You and the babies will be safe.”
A grin splits my face. “You said babies.”
He grins back, and I’m nearly bowled over. It’s the first genuine smile I’ve seen. It softens the lines of his stern features, and the gold flecks in his eyes sparkle. “When you mentioned twins, it just felt right.”
“I wonder if they can tell at eight weeks?”
“I thought the doctor said you should get your first scan at ten weeks?” Konstantin says.
“We’re leaving. I’m going to have to find a new doctor,” I point out.
“Already on it,” Konstantin assures me. “We’ve also already fixed the dogs’ chips.”
I look at him in disbelief. “So you weren’t really asking my permission to disable the chips?”
“I was.” Konstantin grins. “I was just sure of the outcome.”
“Bastard!” I pick up a napkin and throw it at him.
“Ow!” Konstantin mocks. “That hurts.”
“Funny.” I pull a face. “Where are we going?”
“Winnipeg,” Konstantin replies.
“As in Winnipeg, Canada?”
“That’s it.” He nods. “I have another compound in Headingley.”
“Awesome.” While part of me is relieved as we’re getting out of America, another part of me wants to run back to Boston. It’s just the hormones. “When are we leaving?”
“As soon as our transport arrives,” Konstantin answers.
“Will that be tonight or tomorrow?” I ask. “I need to get packed.”