Page 7 of His Human Rebel
Her lips twitch. “Maybe.”
A puff of white smoke escapes my nostrils.
Finally, we drive beyond the last row of housing and begin to leave Fire Creek behind and enter open countryside.
She glances back and comments, “Everyone in town was staring at me. If I decide to remain, is it going to be difficult for you, having a human as your mate?”
“It’s true that there are very few humans that live on this planet.”
“But I’m not the only human?”
“No, there are a few other humans living in this community already.”
“Oh, really? How many?”
I think for a moment. “Two. There are two other humans.”
“Why are they here? Are they working on Tarvos?”
“Two females have arrived as mates.”
She blinks. “So other Hyrrokin have bought human wives too?”
“No, I was the only one who purchased a mail-order bride.”
She purses her lips. “Why couldn’t you just marry a Hyrrokin female who is local? Why do you have to pay to get a mate so far away who isn’t even of your own species? Is something wrong with you?”
I grunt again. “I see your point. You deserve an answer. Just like I deserve the entire truth about why you were sent here. You deserve to know why I would purchase a mate.”
I continue driving down the long road that winds through the surrounding countryside and eventually will lead to my ranch. “I made this purchase because I’m tired of living alone. I want to remain in these wildlands my entire lifespan and work the ranch land that my family has worked for generations. But it is difficult to find females that want to remain out here, where there is a lack of civilization.”
“What about the women who already live here? The ones you grew up with?”
“None of them are my mates.”
“You dated?”
“Yes, I’ve had many pleasure mates over the years and I’ve already established that none of the females out here are my future bound, so I needed to widen my search area.”
“You had to widen your search area to outside of your planet and to another species? I mean, was that really necessary?”
I chuckle again because I find her bold and delightful. So far, she appears entirely honest and transparent and wants that type of relationship with others. There’s a fire, a heat in my veins and a sense of comfort and easiness that causes me to assess that she’s indeed my future bound, so I am willing to tell her everything. “I am the oldest son and have two younger brothers, but I gave up my inheritance to the main family ranch to my younger brother. This is because that role fits his personality. Sten is better at socializing and making deals with other Hyrrokin politicians and heads of business, which is a large part of the job when you oversee the main ranch that represents the Flagstones. He enjoys that position, while I would consider it torture. And then our father was able to purchase more land from a distant cousin who passed with no heirs. He bought the land and then partitioned it off. I got my own land to start a new ranch, and my middle brother did too.”
She smiles at me. “That’s a really a big deal that you passed on that ranch to your youngest brother. Not many beings would give away such a powerful position because they knew it wasn’t right for them and better for someone else.”
“I made the decision because it was sensible. Sten, my brother, was pleased because he’d been basically doing the job of acting as my father’s main heir anyways. It all worked out in the end.”
“You’re not upset though, at getting a lesser ranch, even though you are the eldest?”
“No. And it doesn’t ever feel that I’m getting something less. Instead, it’s something that’s right, which gives me peace of mind. I have built my own ranch house by hand.”
“The house you live in…you built it yourself? Really?”
I glance over at my animated, sexy female, her follicles blowing gently in the breeze as we travel down the road. It is literally difficult for me to keep my gaze away from the curve of her luscious breasts. “Yes. It’s not as huge or spectacular as the Flagstone ranch main house. And it’s also not as big as my other brother’s ranch house. Thorn hired an architect and a construction company to come out and build for him. Mine is crafted by hand. Very similar to the house that my friend, Burl built, only a little better in that I have done much more detailed work. I also happen to have a few ranch hands who have some amazing craft skills so we’ve added flames almost like a Heimdall installation on ancient lodges.”
She grins. “I don’t know what a Heimdall is, but that sounds amazing. I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ve done. But…what does any of this have to do with you purchasing a mail-order bride or why there are two other human women out here who have married Hyrrokin?”