Page 1 of Beautiful Chaos
Chapter 1
“You look great in this stuff; however, I will not be wearing anything that could be seen in a Victoria Secret’s catalog, I prefer to keep my goodies, secret,” I made a face, as my best friend Aster Jensen, held a dress up to my chin, the fabric brushing against me while we stood in her walk-in closet. A closet that was big enough to be a small bedroom, packed full of clothes that barely covered her private areas.
She threw her head back and laughed at my disdain for her taste in clothing, something we’ve never shared, in our fifteen years of friendship.
Aster was the first person I met when my family moved to Atlanta when I was eleven. After graduating high school, we both got into college at the same school in Miami. I got a full ride with a full academic scholarship, and she didn’t care where she went to school, as long as we were together.
I worked hard for that scholarship since that was the only way I could afford college. Aster’s parents offered to pay for it, but I could never accept that type of money from them, not after all they had already done for me since taking me in when I was a young girl.
My parents were absent a lot when I was a child, and they’d sometimes use what money we had for food, to supply their addictions, food stamps, selling anything of value, really.
I stayed many nights at the Jensen’s house. They never asked questions; they just welcomed me into their home and made me feel like I was one of their own.
After graduating college, Aster and I decided to stay in Miami. Aster’s parents bought us a condo near the beach, which was fully furnished and included a state-of-the-art security system, provided by Aster’s dad’s company. It was hard to get used to at first. The cameras made me edgy until we had an attempted break-in, no one was hurt, but I learned to appreciate them.
“How did you even hear about this club, anyway?” I asked Aster as I sat down to lace up my black Converse shoes.
“It’s not a club Harper, it’s a lounge, it’s classier,” she giggled until she turned to see what I was wearing. Scanning my body from my feet to my head she curled her lip at my outfit. I wore tight jeans, with a long-sleeved turtleneck, and slipped into my trusty Converse high tops.
“I wish you would let me dress you, just once. You would certainly turn heads.” She said nodding to herself.
“With your curvy figure and flawless olive skin, it wouldn’t be much. Just throw on a pleated skirt and a tube top, add a touch of makeup, and maybe curl your wavy hair a bit,” she muttered. Reaching out, she gripped a section of my hair between her finger and thumb. I cleared my throat, holding back a laugh.
“Not a chance! There’s nothing wrong with modesty Aster, you should try it sometime.” I teased.
Aster stared at herself as she stood in front of the full-body mirror hanging on the wall in the living room entryway. She smoothed down her thin silk dress that looked more like lingerie than a piece of clothing. I shook my head.
“I really don’t understand why you’re always rocking those skinny jeans and long sleeves. You have a great figure.”
I rolled my eyes. This conversation has been repeated more than any single, episode of Friends on Nick at Nite.
Aster and I were so much alike in almost every way; except where I was timid and reserved, Aster was outgoing and fun-spirited.
“So, tell me about this lounge.” I used air quotations with the word lounge. Using the word lounge instead of club, was a bit bougie. It just seemed to me, like it was an excuse to hike up prices on the drinks.“Oh, it’s great! My friend Emma told me, it’s where all the big wigs in the city go to unwind. Lawyers and doctors and people of importance. Maybe I’ll snag myself a good one tonight.” she said, waggling her eyebrows.
“One would hope, then I could get this place to myself and finally be rid of your bossy ass,” I teased. The idea of tying the knot and moving away was unthinkable.
We’ve been at each other’s side for fifteen years. We’ve even joked about buying a house, splitting it down the middle, and forcing our spouses to become best friends, or perhaps we could marry brothers.
Neither of us has had a serious boyfriend, so that wouldn’t be an issue for a while. Aster wanted to enjoy life a bit longer and not be tied down by a relationship. And me, well let’s face it, I was damaged and broken.
“Maybe you will meet someone that can knock you out of this sex drought you have been in since…” She trailed off before a look of guilt swept over her face.
“Will you call for a cab while I finish my makeup?” she asked, quickly changing the subject. I picked up my cell phone grateful for the distraction.
* * *
Forty-five minutes later we were walking through the doors of the Afterglow Lounge. On the outside, it looked like a rundown brewery. On the inside it was spectacular.
Wall-to-ceiling marble tile, with dark mahogany wood floors. The recessed lights were dimmed. My eyes adjusted to the glow of warm yellow ambient lights that illuminated the room.
Melodies whispered around the bar’s nook, while a rumble of bass beats thundered from the lounge’s far end.
The lounge was split into sections. At the heart of the room stood an elevated, circular bar illuminated by green and blue accent lighting. Off to the right was a dimmed room nearly dark, full of private booths.
There was a sitting area with sofas and tables set up like tiny living room suites across the room. Some had black velvet partitions that could be pulled back for privacy. Towards the back of the lounge, there was a dance floor. That was lit with the flickering of strobe lights circulating in the center of it. It was still early so the crowd hadn’t accumulated yet. I could make out several figures grinding on each other to the beat but not much else.