Page 116 of Beautiful Chaos
He is perfect.
He understood I didn’t want money, cars, or jewelry. I’d love some sweet gestures and to spend time together. We should look for a spot in Miami to have picnics like this.
We walked over to the tree, and I put my hand over some engravings that looked like initials. My fingers grazed the deep marks, discerning the carved initials J.W and H.W.
I felt Jasper Walk up behind me. He looked over my shoulder to see what I was admiring.
“Those are mine and my mother’s initials. We carved them there the summer before she was murdered.” Jasper answered my unasked question.
“Let’s put our initials here and one day you could come back with the woman you want to marry and do the same with her.”
“I had forgotten about that day. It was the day we got home after dark and my father was supposed to be out of town for the night. When he returned early, we weren’t home. After I had gone to bed, I could hear my mother’s sobs as my father screamed at her.”
He shook His head maybe to clear the memories.
I continued tracing the initials on the trunk.
“Jasper, what was your mother’s name?” I asked lost in my thoughts. Confused by my question he hesitated.
“Helena. Why? Is something wrong?” I turned to meet his gaze and read his expression. I smiled the biggest smile I had ever smiled. He instinctively smiled at me. I could tell he had no idea why I was smiling but it was a beautiful moment.
“Your mother’s initials were H.W.?” He nodded, still confused.
“Jasper, what are my initials?” I asked, trying to get him to see what I saw.
“Harper Williams. H…” He cut himself off when he caught on to why I was grinning. It turned out that Jasper’s mom and I have the same initials, and the craziest part is that once Jasper and I are married, my initials will still be H.W.
He grabbed me by the waist pulling me flush with his chest, until he was close enough to whisper into my ear and said,
“Maybe you were handpicked for me, Harper. Maybe this was meant to be all along.”
I turned to face him, as he pushed against me and the tree. It was so sudden that I lost my footing, and slammed the short distance between him and the tree trunk. I hit hard and let out a tiny huff from the impact. He stopped and pulled back to check on me, he stared at me, his eyes dark. He didn’t hurt me, I liked it. I liked the aggressive, assertive, feral side of him, it was hot and primal. Before last night he was gentle and slow and careful with me and my mental health, I didn’t want that anymore, I didn’t want to deny myself of my sexual desires. I didn’t want to be treated like a fragile little girl who could break down and lose it at any second. I want to be devoured; I want to test my limits. I want fire.
I licked my lips, smirking, encouraging him to keep going.
“Fuck, Doll. What’s gotten into you?” he hissed, before he sucked the skin of my neck into his mouth. I moaned at the sting.
“You.” I whimpered.
“And I want you to get into me again, please.” I felt him smile against my skin, and his grip on my waist tightened.
“My pleasure, baby.”
Chapter 82
Spending the day with Harper under the apple tree was fucking spectacular. Just being there with her made this entire trip worth it. She was so happy and relaxed and for the afternoon nothing else mattered. It was just us. I hated to have to end it, but we were due for takeoff at six p.m., and I had a couple of errands to run.
I left Harper at the mansion to pack our things so that I could run the paperwork to Chester’s office. I was going to have someone deliver it, but some last-minute tweaks came up and I figured I should deal with them myself. We had Paul on watch duty, ready to protect Harper with his life. I wasn’t expecting issues, but you never know in my father’s territory—old grudges have a way of popping up.
I pulled up to the front of the small run-down building that now housed Chester and his businesses. It was much more run down than I expected but I hadn’t been here since I was a young boy. The windows were dirty and one of the doors had cardboard blocking a huge hole. There’s no telling how he keeps his business going in a spot like that.
I parked on the side of the building in the first spot I saw. It was marked handicap. Right when I was about to open the door, I had second thoughts and decided to back the car up instead of parking in one spot over freeing up the handicapped spot. If Harper were with me, I would have gotten an earful for even thinking of parking there.
She is so fucking perfect.
Chester was at his desk in an office that looked nothing like the outside of the building. It had bright white walls with nature scenes painted on them. There was one big window that faced the back of the back side of the building – not much to see, just a brick wall, but it let daylight in. The room smelled like lavender and vanilla because he had a candle lit on a table tucked in the corner.