Page 24 of Beautiful Chaos
Walking through, the decor changed drastically. Instead of the vibrant bright ambiance of the casino, it was dark wood furniture and black marble flooring with deep burgundy walls. In the background, I could hear a faint noise of grunts and groans.
We walked down a long-curved hallway into a room with an open floor plan, it looked like some sports arena. In the center, was a caged fighting ring. We walked past two large shirtless men battling it out. I could see that neither was going in full force over the other.
Walking even further I saw something that made my stomach turn. A man standing at a back door that was propped open had a young girl held by the elbow as he stood over her sternly speaking down to her in another language. I realized it was Russian as we approached close enough to hear.
My dad dealt with a lot of Russian Mafia affiliates when I was younger. I never learned the language fully, but I can recognize certain words.
“Stai zitta Stronza” He yelled into her tear-streaked face as we walked past them.
Havoc, closely trailing behind Max, cleared his throat with a loud, deliberate cough.
“See something you like?” he asked with a menacing grin. I ignored his antics and kept following Malice.
Finally, after passing through two more sets of guarded doors. We approached another room much smaller than the first.
That room was decorated less dramatically. Instead of concrete floors there was carpet and instead of a caged ring there was a large oval stage with a pole that reached the length from the ceiling to the floor positioned in the middle of it.
There wasn’t a question of what this room was used for. That was obvious once I took in the scene around me. The room featured several smaller stages in its corners, each surrounded by more intimate settings. There were chairs stationed all around each stage, like a strip club. What was odd, was the long chains bolted to the floor of each stage that looked to have a shackle cuff at the end of it, and the computer monitors in the front of each seat that housed a numbered paddle. I observed Max notice the chains. It was clear that this was news to him.
I’m going to kill Max when we leave here.
“Have a seat gentleman,” Malice gestured, as we approached a circular bar.
“Can I get you a drink?” he offered with a grin and a proud look in his eye.
“It’s a bit early for me my friend,” I declined with a nod. Max nodded in agreement.
“Suit yourselves,” Malice said with a flick of his wrist towards the man behind the bar. As if some silent language was spoken, the man walked out of another set of doors opposite the ones we came through.
Havoc walked over to his brother beside him, wearing that familiar smug expression. They gave off unsettling vibes.
“What can we do for you? " I asked once again.
“Well, I’m glad you asked,” Malice started,
“Seems you and I have a common acquaintance,” he said staring into my eyes like he was searching for something he wouldn’t find.
“Well, I guess I can say, we had a common acquaintance.” he corrected, emphasizing the word had.
I rolled my eyes as it hit me to whom he was referring.
“If you and my father had dealings, that’s none of my concern. If you are seeking anything other than legal advice or legal representation you came to the wrong firm.” Malice turned to Havoc as they exchanged yet another look. Havoc remained silent; his gaze fixed on me attempting to intimidate me. I met his stare without flinching.
Malice began to chuckle to himself, and shortly after Havoc joined in. Havoc extended his arms across the bar, leaning forward, in a gesture of frustration.
“Chester said you were a tightwad. When you inherited all your father’s estate and businesses, I hoped I could persuade you otherwise. You know there is a lot of money to be made, and your father and I had an agreement that I hope you would honor.”
“I see. What type of agreement was that?” With pursed lips and narrowed eyes, I waited for the specifics of this agreement.
Even from the grave, my piece of shit father had managed to drag me into his bullshit.
“Take a look around, you’re a smart man. I’m sure you can figure out what type of business I run around here, much like the ones I run from your father’s casinos, or I guess your casinos now” He gestured, hands waving to the sides to showcase the room, his demeanor full of satisfaction.
“Just before Mickey died, we were in the process of buying out his estate,” he stated matter-of-factually
“I hoped you and I could reach some sort of agreement.”
“What sort of agreement was that?” I asked, knowing what this meeting was all about.