Page 65 of Beautiful Chaos
Jasper took my hand for the following hour and led me from one location to another as we engaged in political discussions with various distinguished city members. Judges, several individuals from his firm, and several CEOs of some of the largest companies in the city were present, and he mentioned them as potential clients. It felt odd to be so relaxed around so many people but despite everything, I felt safe with Jasper, like he would never let anything happen to me.
I couldn’t tell you the names of even half the men I spoke to and probably less of the dates that accompanied them but somehow, they all seemed eager to meet me. Spotting Miami’s top billionaire bachelor with an unknown companion is bound to spark curiosity.
I saw Max walking towards us. Jasper and I had just finished talking with a sweet elderly man who I believe was a distant relative to Max and Christian.
“Look at you, you actually showered tonight.” Max hollered from a distance.
“Aha, I had to, especially after being in the same room with you all day; I didn’t want your scent sticking to me,” Jasper retorted loudly, following the manly hug and slap with Max. I refer to it as a ‘hug slap’ because it’s akin to those awkward side hugs men occasionally give, which are then punctuated with a solid slap on the back as if to inject a dose of masculinity into the tender gesture.
“Christian should be here any minute,” Max announced, turning and striding toward the bar to grab a drink. Suddenly, my nerves kicked in and my palms began to sweat. Securing this exclusive could be a significant milestone in my career as a serious writer, potentially unlocking endless opportunities.
Chapter 46
Watching Harper felt like seeing a completely different woman than the one I met weeks ago. She was poised and confident and seemed to be enjoying herself. She even handled Uncle Gary without hesitation; he is known for being a bit handsy. I kept her at a distance from him and held her close, continually looking for any signs of tension, but none appeared. She stayed tucked under my hold and pushed through the night like a fucking good girl.
The more we interacted with the guests the more comfortable she became. It wasn’t long before I could relax and try to enjoy myself. I have to admit I expected the night to go much differently. I prearranged for Max to cover for me in case I needed to leave early should she become overwhelmed, but my girl is resilient.
As she sipped her champagne, her eyes fluttered letting the bubbles tickle her full lips, Oblivious to my watchful eye.
She is a goddess.
“Hey, did you see who’s here?” Max whispered just loud enough for me to hear him.
“Mmmhmm, She’s Kevin’s plus one.” I glared at him. He was fully aware of my feelings towards Nadia. She was known for sticking her head into business that wasn’t hers and stirring up shit when she didn’t get her way. It seemed she took pleasure in creating problems for me in any way she could following our one-night stand. I was clear on my intentions, and she agreed until she didn’t. Since then, I’ve been a target. The girl can’t take no for an answer.
“Kevin? Really?” Max nearly spit his drink out. Kevin is a fucking pipsqueak troublemaker on his own, he is so eager to empress his father that he doesn’t care who he has to step on to get ahead to make that old bastard proud of him. On second thought I guess the two of them are a compatible match.
Harper stood there, radiating beauty, conversing with some ladies who approached her to gab about her dress. She glanced over at me and offered a smile that pierced straight through my heart, brightening my entire fucking world.
I couldn’t wait until I didn’t have to share her with a crowd, I was tempted to leave with her and keep her all to myself, but I understood how significant this evening was for her. A single phone call from me could get any newspaper, magazine, or tabloid interested in her, but she would never agree to that. She was determined to achieve this on her own, and I had more respect for her because of it.
There was a rush of commotion and whispering at the front of the ballroom.
“There’s Christian,” Max said excitedly. Max adored his younger brother and since Christian decided to bring his research here to Miami it was all Max could talk about. Max and Christian fought like brothers do but there was no hiding how Max felt about His only brother. Max’s father always favored Christian growing up, Max left home as soon as he could but never once turned his back on his brother.
I took Harper’s hand and guided her to the reserved table where Christian and his stunning fiancé were seated. As we neared, Christian stood up, his eyes growing wide with surprise to see Harper walking alongside me.
“So the rumors are true, you’ve finally met your match and found a lady that could keep you in line.” Christian smiled as he reached in for a hug.
“Nice to see you Uncle, this place looks amazing.” he reached over and grabbed the hand of a gorgeous young lady as she rose to her feet.
“Lyla this is Jasper Whitlock, My crazy uncle and this is his….” he stopped and gave me a pointed look as he gestured towards Harper with a nod.
“Harper Williams, my girlfriend,” I said Matter-of-factly as I pulled her against my side. She reached her hand out to shake my nephews and instead, he pulled her from my grip playfully and embraced her in a friendly hug. Lyla mirrored the action and placed a kiss on each of Harper’s cheeks.
I held my breath anxious for Harper’s reaction. She stepped back to my side, wrapped her arm around my forearm, and leaned her head against me. No tremble, no shakes, just her gentle touch.
When Max walked up I used the distraction to check in with her. I knew she would probably not want to voice that she was uncomfortable in front of so many listening ears. I leaned down and whispered into her ear,
“Hey Doll, how ya holdin’ up?” she looked up at me through her long dark eyelashes and grinned.
“Girlfriend?” she teased. Dammit, I knew that she wouldn’t just let it be.
“Yes, Harper you are mine. I’m not letting you go anywhere.” I laid a small kiss on her cheek just below her earlobe and growled, “Mine.”
She giggled. That sound was the most perfect sound I had ever heard.