Page 88 of Beautiful Chaos
My mind reeled with anger, but only long enough to remember I knew one of the most impressive computer geniuses.
“Aster, come to dinner tomorrow. Max is a wiz, he’ll take care of this. We’ll have to tell them what you just told me though,” her face paled at the idea. “Better them than your parents.” I reminded her.
“Okay,” she said nodding in agreement.
I knew there was something I didn’t like about that asshole.
Chapter 62
Finally escaping from my home office this evening, greeted by the sight of Harper in the kitchen, sporting an apron emblazoned with the letters ‘STFUATTDLAGG’ across the chest. I needed Harper to explain thoroughly what the letters meant.
It was a phrase from some of those romance novels she reads. It seems she nor those books are as innocent as I thought they were, also I was rudely corrected, it’s called Smut not Romance, or maybe she said it was both. fuck, I don’t know.
Watching her with her hair in a messy bun, flour dusting her forehead and nose, as she prepared a meal for our first Sunday dinner, was the most satisfying sight I’ve ever seen in my kitchen.
Harper had come so far. If you had told me months ago, she would be moved in sleeping in my bed every night, cooking in my kitchen for a family dinner that even I was excited about dinner which was totally unlike me Before Harper I would have said no fucking way.
I sat down on the bar stool to admire her from afar. I wasn’t quite ready for her to know I was there yet. She looked so in her element as she prepared what looked like chicken pot pie from scratch. She didn’t know, but that’s one of my favorites.
My grandmother would make it for me after my mother’s murder before she passed away from old age. It became a comfort meal for me. I haven’t had it since I was around sixteen. Harper had no way of knowing that. Just another sign of how fucking perfect she was for me.
She was humming to herself as she bent down to open the oven sticking her hand in testing the heat, despite the thermostat that showed the temperature on the top of the stove. It’s one of the upscale amenities included with the penthouse. I used to have a cook, and she loved that oven. It appeared that Harper had also taken a liking to it.
As she closed the oven door I heard the jingle of the diamond-studded charm bracelet I gave her this morning, just before we got up and watched the sunrise. Harper rolled her eyes and giggled when I pulled it out of my nightstand. I’d been showering her with gifts and trinkets since we agreed she’d move in two weeks ago.
She eagerly put it on. The bracelet’s uniqueness lies in its interchangeability. I planned to give her new charms often, each representing a meaningful aspect of our relationship. To start it has a diamond ‘J’ for Jasper, a champagne flute commemorating our first date, and an arrow, which I’ve learned is a Native American symbol for bravery.
Her eyes sparkled as I explained the significance of each one. In return, I received a kiss, a playful slap on the shoulder, and the name of a charity dedicated to supporting battered women. As expected, she repeated her actions each time I gave her a gift, although the cause was never the same.
I didn’t realize there were so many in Miami. I promptly sent an email to my new secretary instructing her to make a substantial donation in Harper’s name. She would be furious if she ever were to find out that each donation was made to honor Harper Williams.
I’ve brought on additional staff for the office since Max has taken on more responsibilities, allowing me to avoid spending as much time there at the office as I did when I was single. He agreed wholeheartedly when I let him hire his replacement. Let’s just say I see some HR issues soon, but in the meantime, she has been a saint, she’s no Max but hell, she comes in close for second place.
The stove buzzer went off alerting Harper the oven had reached the desired temperature. Harper jumped and then she giggled at herself.
She is too fucking adorable.
She looked over finally noticing me sitting and enjoying the show. Sashaying toward me looking like a hot mess in the most adorable way, she walked right up to me positioning her body between my legs. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips softly against mine. She could only do that if I sat down since I have a good foot on her five-foot two-inch frame.
“Mm, I see you’ve found the chilled bottle I left for you.” I could taste a hint of champagne on her breath. I pulled a bottle of Dom Perignon down and chilled it before she started cooking, she would die if she knew how much that one bottle costs. I’ll keep that to myself for now, at least until she gets more familiar with these things.
“Yes, I sure did. It’s wonderful.” She said in a sing-song voice. Maybe I should have just poured her a glass. I forgot how comfortable she gets when she has had too much champagne. She kissed me again, this time, slipping her tongue through my lips, deepening the kiss.
I growled into her mouth, squeezing her perfect ass as I did.
“How much did you have? Baby, you seem a little feisty,” I said, in a needy whisper against her lips.
She smiled. That’s it, just smiled.
I chuckled at her response, knowing exactly where her mind was. I think I was becoming a bad influence on my sweet little goddess.
I pulled her backward, then in one swift move, I picked her up and put her ass on the counter. Her legs wrapped around me instinctively.
“If you keep that up, we won’t be entertaining tonight.” She spoke, one eyebrow arched, her smirk, an invitation.
I think I like her like this.