Page 41 of Romi
“Ah,” she said, smiling wickedly, “I think you feel the same way about someone. Don’t you?”
I shut down then. I really wanted to be able to tell Gracie, tell someone, but I was afraid she would tell Ash before we were ready, so I didn’t say anything.
“It’s okay,” she informed me.
“I have seen the way you look at him and the way he looks at you. Whatever is going on, I believe it will all work out for you in the end. You look good together. As if you were always meant to be.”
She winked, but I didn’t respond. She knew there was something between us and was going to be discreet. It wasn’t the time to confirm anything, but at least I knew we had another ally. I just hoped she was right about it all working out. I had been so happy when I had gone for my nap this afternoon, but ever since I woke up, I’d felt an odd sense of impending doom that I couldn’t quite shake off. I tried not to dwell on it as I chatted with Gracie, but the odd sensation lingered at the back of my mind, nevertheless.
Romi came back later in the evening, but I didn’t get a chance to see him as he was with Ash. They both looked angry about something as they headed to Miki’s office, followed by the rest of my brothers, and a bit later, Glowacki and his son Daniel arrived and joined them. I figured there must have been more attacks or something.
Whatever was happening was obviously becoming more of a problem. I just hoped my brothers and Glowacki could handle whatever it was without it causing us any real issues. They were obviously having a serious confab about it all because, by midnight, they still hadn’t appeared.
Feeling tired, I trudged up to bed. I would have loved to wait up and catch Romi on his own, but I was tired, and frankly, they could end up talking all night. They might even have finished their discussion and been having a few shots of vodka and playing some cards, for all I knew. It wouldn’t be the first time. Either way, it would look odd if I stayed up all night waiting for them to emerge without good reason, and as much as I wanted everything between Romi and myself out in the open soon, we needed to have a bit of a plan of how to tackle the backlash first.
My thoughts were running rampant again, and even though my body felt heavy and exhausted, I tossed and turned, unable to sleep. I missed Romi. I needed to see him as soon as possible. I huffed and tutted as the covers tangled around me, squealing in frustration as I pulled at them. It was apparent that I wasn’t going to be able to fall asleep, worried about when we would see each other next. I needed to take some action.
Throwing back the covers, I jumped out of bed, shrugged on my robe, and grabbed a notepad. A few minutes later, I quietly opened my bedroom door and peered out. The hall was dark and silent. I listened intently but couldn’t hear anyone coming, so I ventured out, hoping that I wouldn’t run into anyone as I completed my errand.
A door closed downstairs, and I froze, eyes wide, unable to breathe while I waited for any follow-up sounds. I gulped, the sound seeming overly loud in the silence that ensued. I waited another few seconds before hurrying past the top of the stairs.
My heart raced, and my breaths came in short, shallow pants as I tiptoed into the part of the wing where Romi’s room was. No light spilt from under his door, and when I pressed my ear to the wood, I couldn’t hear any sounds. He was either sleeping or still in Miki’s office with the others. I guessed it was likely the latter. Pulling a note from the pocket of my robe, I slipped it under the door.
Satisfied, I hurried back to my room before anyone could see me. Once back in the safety of my own room, I let out a breath in a whoosh of relief. All this sneaking about was not good for a person. I was definitely not cut out to be a spy or anything like that. I really hoped I wouldn’t have to do this cloak-and-dagger stuff for long. The sooner things were out in the open, the better.
At least I’d accomplished my task. Now I knew when and where I would be seeing my Mr Sexy Abs again. I climbed back into bed with a contented sigh. The coolness of the sheets was far more inviting this time, and I quickly sank into a blissful, restful sleep.
It had only been a few hours since I’d brought Sonia home from my flat, but I was already missing her like crazy. I couldn’t wait to get her alone again.
After Miki met with Glowacki, we went into the city and spent the rest of the day running various business errands.
First, we filed a report with the Police. The restaurant that was trashed was totally legitimate, so this was the correct course of action for us to maintain our reputation as Russian oligarchs. The Police report was necessary for our insurance claim.
Thankfully, whoever broke in disabled the camera by spraying it with black spray paint, and so there was no video evidence. Therefore, the Police seemed to think that it must have been kids who broke in and trashed the place on some kind of dare or whatever since nothing was actually stolen. That theory suited us perfectly.
Next, we met Sergei to discuss the situation with our dead dealer and his wife. Miki had said Sergei shouldn’t get rid of the bodies of these two so that their families could properly mourn them. However, Sergei checked their flat and ensured that the evidence left by the attackers to frame the Albanians and the Polish was removed from the scene before the Police were called.
We didn’t want them to know about any issues. We needed to deal with our situation without any further Police involvement. As it was, the dealer and his wife couldn’t be linked to us, so while the Police would investigate, any evidence that could lead to the killers would be gone. It would just end up being another unsolved case.
Later, we checked on our other businesses, both legal and illegal, and ensured there were enough men in place to keep them safe.
After we finished, I returned home, hoping to finally see Sonia. But Ash grabbed me before I could slip past him, and I found myself heading straight back out again.
He had arranged for us to meet Sean and Juana.
Ash was in a very good mood initially, whistling away happily to himself. Gracie definitely had a positive effect on him, and I was glad, not just for him but for me. If Ash fell for Gracie, then he might understand my feelings for Sonia better, and if I was lucky, Ash might not even try to kill me. Oh, Ash would beat the shit out of me, and I’d likely let him, but hopefully, after he’d once he got over the initial shock, he would more easily accept our love. If he was in love himself. I couldn’t help but hope.
On the drive to the meeting, he chatted about Gracie and how she wanted to be a romance novelist. He was obviously totally enamoured with her. He gushed so much about her that I almost blurted out my own feelings for Sonia. Luckily, I stopped myself just in time. I didn’t have that much of a death wish.
Unfortunately, his good mood didn’t last after we got to the meeting.
Juana explained that it had taken her a few days to get back to us because the Somalians had been more cautious after Ash had been taken, beaten, and rescued. I guessed they were expecting direct retaliation for that, which we had yet to provide. Something we’d likely rectify soon.