Page 46 of Romi
Ash and Miki would defend the Lab along with Glowacki and his son Daniel, their bodyguards, and the rest of our men and Glowacki’s, who would be hiding out nearby.
I laughed and shook my head, awed by the level of detail in Miki and Glowacki’s plans. I didn’t kid myself into thinking that things would go perfectly. Still, I did feel happier knowing what to expect and the levels that were being taken to ensure everyone’s safety and put a stop to these attacks as quickly and easily as possible.
Of course, it didn’t mean I wasn’t terrified. I absolutely was. That’s why I was so glad that Romi would be with me at the Estate when the attacks were due to take place. I wouldn’t have been able to stand, not knowing where he was or if he was okay.
Romi told me of his plan to talk to our Uncle Maxim about us and assured me he would do it as soon as he could. In the meantime, we both agreed the need for secrecy was still required. Our family had a lot to deal with right now, so it was better to wait until things were a bit more settled before we let our secret out of the bag.
So basically, the next few days were going to be busy, dangerous, and fraught with tension and the chance of us spending any time together was going to be slim. It was frustrating, but knowing that we only had to wait a few days and then we could come clean to everyone made my heart sing with joy.
I longed to shout my love for Romi from the rooftops and tell the whole world we were an item, but I understood that now wasn’t the time.
Soon, I promised myself. Soon!
In the meantime, I took the opportunity to kiss Romi until we were both a panting, breathless mess. Wrapped in his arms, lying on a blanket on the ground, I never wanted to leave our little hidden spot, but all too soon, our time had run out, and I let Romi pull me to my feet.
Hugging him tightly, we had a final kiss before reluctantly separating. Hiding our blanket in a hole at the bottom of a nearby tree, we started the journey back to the house. We had run fast on the way out, but now we merely jogged home, and neither of us truly wanted this time together to end.
It had been days since I had reluctantly led Sonia back to the house after our wonderful morning together, and my nerves were on a knife edge from sexual frustration. We’d only managed to steal a few minutes together since, and the quick kiss we’d shared hadn’t been nearly enough to even take the edge off.
Plus, I had been kept so bloody busy that I hadn’t yet had a chance to call our uncle Maxim. However, I vowed that as soon as Friday was done and dusted, I would. Being separated from Sonia was killing me, and it was getting harder and harder not to let my feelings for her show.
I had managed to speak to my mum and brother and was surprised to hear that they had always suspected there was something special between us. Both of them were pleased, and it was good to know we had another few converts on our side. The more people we got to accept us, the more help we would have to convince the guys. It wasn’t going to be easy, but I’d begun to believe that it was going to be possible after all.
I nodded to myself. Yeah, I could convince Sonia’s brothers that I was the right guy for her. I just needed to make sure I did that before they killed me. I grimaced. Why the fuck did our relationship have to be such a bloody problem?
Rubbing at my forehead to loosen the tension, I sighed heavily. It really shouldn’t be; after all, our family loved us both, so surely they would eventually come around. My stomach churned. I hated waiting. I wanted to deal with things now. I had been reluctant to start a relationship with Sonia, but now I was all in, and I wanted my relationship with Sonia out in the open so we could finally be together properly.
Unfortunately, right now was not the time to tackle the subject with the guys. We couldn’t afford any upset or distractions with a war coming.
It wouldn’t be long now, I reminded myself. Just another couple of days or so, and I’d have another chance to be with Sonia again properly. Then, I would focus on dealing with the fallout the revelation about our relationship would cause.
For now, I just needed to see her. I couldn’t wait a second longer. My head was messed up, distracted by my longing. I was like an addict needing a fix, and the only cure was another moment or two alone with my Little Miss Trouble. So, I went in search of her intent on stealing another kiss from her luscious lips to tide me over and help me function until I could devour her thoroughly like my body and mind begged me to do.
Scrubbing the back of my neck, I headed up to her room. It was a risk, but at this point, I didn’t really care. I’d make up some excuse for being there if I had to.
It had been a bloody long week so far, and I was exhausted. I couldn’t wait for it all to be over—the sooner, the better.
As Miki and Glowacki had planned, we had begun our pretend attacks against each other on Monday night and put on such a good show for our enemies that it seemed that the Malia Boys and Broxys really did think that our alliance with Glowacki was breaking down.
It had started with me taking a few of our most loyal and trustworthy men over to one of Glowacki’s underground gambling dens. We had arranged it so his men would be wearing vests, and we shot them with blanks, seemingly killing a few. Glowacki’s clean-up crew then removed their “dead” bodies, which was normal practice to avoid police scrutiny, and the guys playing dead were then taken to hide out in some abandoned buildings near the farm.
Later that night, Dariusz had Glowacki’s men stage a pretend retaliation, and some of our own men were then able to be hidden away, so it continued throughout the week. We now had a good number of men from both sides hiding out, ready to surprise our enemies when they attacked us on Friday. Of course, these attacks had also allowed us to get rid of most of the traitors on both sides without our enemies becoming aware that the traitors had been discovered. So, basically, everything was going according to Miki and Glowacki’s plan, and so far, it had all gone smoothly. I just hoped that continued to be the case.
The remaining traitors would be dealt with during the attacks. That included Ivor. He was still strutting around our home, acting like a loyal soldier, smiling and flirting with my woman, making goo-goo eyes at her every chance he got when, in fact, he was working with our enemies to destroy us. I fisted my hands at the thought of the traitorous bastard. My palms itched to wring his bloody neck or shoot the fucker in the face for even daring to look at Sonia, never mind flirting with her.
Sucking in a deep breath, I let it out slowly as I approached Sonia’s door, not wanting my murderous thoughts to interfere with what little time we might have together. He’d get what was coming to him soon enough. They all would.
Just like Petrov had. It might have taken us years to end him, but he was gone now. I was happy to plunge my knife into the rapist bastard’s thigh and make him suffer after what he did to Krissa. We’d all taken our turn cutting him up, including Glowacki, Dariusz and Daniel, but we didn’t linger over the torture the way I’d always thought we would. Once we had got all of the information out of him we could get, we quickly slit his throat. We could have kept him alive and tortured him for days if we had wanted to, but with the current situation, we didn’t feel inclined to prolong our revenge. It just hadn’t seemed as important anymore.
It had been quite a shock when Miki agreed to let Glowacki and his sons come to the C to take part in Petrov’s death. He’d also divulged the location of our lab to them. It concerned me that Miki had yet to tell the rest of us why. Miki’s visits to Glowacki’s home recently, when he went in alone, were unusual, and it all had me worried. Miki was up to something, and I didn’t like not knowing what.
Frowning, I raised my hand to knock when the door opened. Little Miss Trouble’s face went from shocked surprise to elation as she grabbed my hand and hauled me inside.