Page 50 of Romi
His posture was stiff, and tension was radiating off him in waves. Oh no. My stomach sank.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, trying desperately to keep my voice calm.
He might not know anything. He might just be suspicious, I told myself.
“As you know, our alliance with Glowacki has been strong despite what happened with Krissa and our recent threats. We had thought it best to keep the actual strength of our alliance a secret, as it can pay to have enemies underestimate your strength. Still, these recent attacks have shown us that this strategy is not the best going forward,” he said, taking a deep breath before rushing on.
“So, after we settle this current issue, we have decided to ensure that both our friends and our enemies are in no doubt of our alliance and the actual strength we Bratva and the Poles draw from it. In order to show this and guarantee our alliance continues to remain strong in the future, we have arranged for you to marry Dariusz,” he said as if it was a done deal.
I guess he thought it was, but I was about to shatter that illusion.
“What the fuck?!” I asked incredulously.
He looked at me but didn’t reply.
“An arranged marriage? You cannot be serious!” I cried.
“Yes, Sonia, I am. We are, Glowacki and I. In fact, the deal is done, and we have shaken hands on it,” he stated firmly.
No fucking way!
How dare he do this to me?
My body shook with anger, and I blinked back tears.
This could not be happening!
“You don’t need to get married right away, of course. You can wait until after your graduation if you want and simply get engaged now.”
His voice was calm as if to placate me, but I was having none of that.
“No!” I screamed.
“Sonia, I know this may not be what you wanted, but our parents and grandparents had arranged marriages, and they became love matches. I am sure that will happen with you and Dariusz if you give it a chance,” he said almost beseechingly.
“Absolutely not!” I raged, shaking my head as the tears I’d been desperately trying to hold back started in earnest.
“I am sorry you are so against it just now, but the deal is done, and I cannot back out now, so it will happen. You need to get used to the idea,” Miki says.
Big fat tears streamed down my face, blurring my view of him.
I shook my head, “No! I won’t do it!”
He sighed like the weight of the world was on his shoulders.
Whereas I felt like my whole world had come crashing down! I’d gone from feeling high to feeling so very low in the space of a few minutes, and it was devastating.
“I’m sorry, Sonia, but you have no choice!” he said firmly, obviously still trying to remain calm while I was anything but.
It only enraged me more.
“I hate you!” I screamed and ran out of the office.
Romi needed to know what was happening. I needed to find him, and we needed to confront Miki. There was nothing else for it. I wouldn’t marry anyone else. How could I when I was so in love with him? I searched for him only to find out he wasn’t home.
Shit. I tried his mobile, but he didn’t answer. So, I send him a quick text.
“I need to see you!”