Page 57 of Romi
“It’ll be fine, baby. Everything will be. I promise,” he said, before kissing me long, hard, and deep, stealing the breath from my lungs, making my toes curl and my knickers soaked.
God, how I loved that man.
Panting hard, he finally pulled his lips away. Still holding me tightly, he leaned his head against mine, and we stayed that way until we caught our breath.
“You need to get back downstairs, sweetheart,” he finally said, releasing me from his hold.
“Go down and stay there. I will see you soon,” Romi said, patting me on the bum.
I gulped and nodded. I really didn’t want to leave Romi to fight our enemies without me, but I knew I had to. I would just be a distraction and get in his way if I stayed. So, I smiled and blew him a kiss as I hurried back downstairs. My lips still tingled from our kisses when I reached the basement, and the first shots could be heard through the monitors.
My heart thumped loudly in my chest. It had started. Even knowing of the plans, it was hard to believe this was real. My palms were sweating, and I felt sick and suddenly terrified for Romi, my brothers, Glowacki, and our men. Please let everyone be okay, I prayed.
Gracie and I huddled closer to the screens to try and see what was happening while we listened in on the radios our men were using to communicate. Clutching each other’s hands in support, we prepared to sit out one of the most worrying nights of our lives. I really wished this wasn’t happening. Our lifestyle was to blame. The sooner Miki found a way for us to get out of the drugs and arms trade, the better.
Before they headed upstairs to join the fight, Anton and Dariusz reminded us to get into the panic room with Nicholas and close the door if the enemy came anywhere near the actual house.
There was a lot of noise between the gunshots and fireworks going off, and it sounded like World War 3 was occurring in our garden. It was loud and utterly terrifying. I sent up another silent prayer to protect my family and our men. There were going to be deaths tonight, and I just hoped I didn’t lose anybody close to me, though losing anyone was going to be terrible. Tears pricked my eyes at the thought.
Romi, my heart cried out. Please be safe!
After telling Sonia to go back downstairs, I reluctantly headed to the front of the house to get into position. It was all I could do not to turn around and head to the basement instead. I didn't want to leave Sonia alone, but at least I knew she was safest down there.
I wouldn't let anyone get into the house. Sonia, the rest of my family, and Glowacki's family would remain safe at all costs. If these bastards wanted to get to anyone here, they would need to go through me first.
“They're here!” Marko's voice called over the radio. Show time!
Anton rushed out of the house and headed towards the gate entrance to join the rest of the defence team. I remained behind with Dimitri, Dariusz, Trigger, and several of my men. Trigger had been a sniper in the military, and he was one of our most loyal soldiers and a good friend to Ash and Miki in particular. He was armed with a sniper rifle.
“I can't find that bastard Ivor anywhere, but Ivan is stationed on the porch as expected,” he told me.
Shit! Ivor was meant to be there with him. It was finally time for both of those traitors to die.
We had kept them busy with errands for our legitimate business the last couple of days, so they didn't know about our suspicions or our preparations. They'd only returned to the Estate a couple of hours ago, and they'd been watched constantly to ensure they didn't try to run or alert our enemies to our plans.
So, where the hell was Ivor?
Marko had been able to find any sign of him on any of the cameras, so I radioed the gate, but Anton confirmed that Ivor wasn't with him.
Fucking hell! It looked like he was gone. The bastard must have figured out we were on to him and ran. But how the hell did he get past the rest of our men? There was no time to figure that out right now, though. We'd have to track the bugger down at a later time. In the meantime, I still had Ivan to deal with.
I checked my gun again. It was my favourite Glock 17 with a silencer. All of us who were guarding the house itself were using them. Anton's men and the rest of our men outside had suppressors on their rifles, too. We couldn't control the amount of noise made by the Broxys or the Malia Boys at either location, but we could reduce the noise as much as possible by using silencers and suppressors ourselves.
“Where the fuck is Ivor?” I asked Ivan as I stepped out onto the porch.
“Ivor said he was going to the toilet, but he's been gone a while now,” he said, looking worried.
As well, he should.
Trigger spoke quietly into the radio and shook his head a second later. Nope, Ivor was definitely not in the toilet. Obviously, Ivor had left his friend here to take the fall for him while he ran. Cowardly bastard!
“Why did you betray us?” I asked Ivor as the first shots of the forthcoming battle rang out.