Page 2 of Incoming Layne Shift
Liam’s hand rubbed over his auburn hair which was already thoroughly disheveled as he tried to shake off enough of the intoxicated slumber to get himself out of the backseat.
Once she saw him get inside the upscale residential building, Layne got back into the car. Her fingers massaged over her forehead, recalling how this evening hadn’t gone as planned. From the call about Liam going on a rager at the adult entertainment venue to the drama between Joey and his brother which Layne never knew he had.
With dread filling her voice, she spoke, “I’m going to have to tell him soon.” It was clear that she wasn’t looking forward to hashing out more shit with Liam.
Joey scoffed and sarcastically replied, “I’m sure he’s going to take it so well.” He pulled away from the curb to begin driving them back to their home—O’Reilly Manor.
Her green eyes stared over at him. “About as well as you took having a conversation with your brother?” She didn’t hide the annoyance over his decision to conceal Gage’s existence from her. Their late-night conversations had been filled with talks about everything and anything, and he had failed to mention something as simple as having a sibling. It had old feelings of distrust whispering in the back of her brain.
Joey’s hand readjusted its grasp on the steering wheel, holding it a little tighter. “Just drop it, Layne.”
When did she ever just drop things because she was told to? “No.”
Before he got the opportunity to make some comment about him asking twice, she continued, “Don’t even start that crap with me, Joey. What the hell was that back there at the club?!”
He reached over and finally decided that he was done with silence and turned the volume knob up to blare the music to avoid any actual conversation between them. The heavy rock tunes filled the car.
While driving back uptown, Joey fought through each of the painful memories at war inside of his head from nearly ten years ago.
Rosie giggled as she ran her hands across the smooth and unmarked skin of Joey’s bare chest while he stood there in just his jeans. “You’re being so bad! Gage is going to be home any minute.”
He gave a devious smirk. “So? Let him see who really knows how to get your pussy wet.” His hands continued their descent over her body towards her little white shorts.
Joey leaned in, whispering into the hot, young blonde’s ear. “Nothing is going to stop me from giving you the hard fuck you deserve, Rose. Gage is going to have to learn how to share.”
He gave a hard blink at the thoughts creeping up of what led up to a horrific day that had been burned forever into his skull. His jaw clenched even tighter still recalling each detail of Rosie’s sun-kissed skin and the sound of her voice when she tried to sound serious but instead sounded as threatening as a kitten mewing.
Out of the corner of his vision, he snuck a glimpse of Layne. She sat there with her arms crossed in front of her chest watching out the window as each street passed. The street lights flashed across her fair skin as each one passed, reflecting the blank expression she wore when she tightened the screws on her temper. He knew that look on her face too well. She was pissed, and he couldn’t blame her.
When they got back home, Layne went inside ahead of him. She didn’t bother to wait for him to follow behind her.
After he locked up the front door, Joey found her inside the kitchen with a cold beer in her hand. The way her lips connected with the opening of the bottle he thought about all the other ways those plump lips could be put to better use.
Layne fully avoided eye contact with him as she leaned back against the counter and took another sip of the hoppy pale ale. Her tongue slipped forth and ran over her lips afterward to collect any remaining beer on them.
Joey stepped up in front of her, caging her in place as he set his hands on the counter on either side of her. His eyes had a soft burn to them as he peered down at her. “I’m sorry.”
Refusing to look at him to help maintain her resolve, she shook her head. “No, you’re not. You’re thinking about getting your dick blown.”
He sighed but didn’t argue her assumption that had been right on point.
She pushed away from the counter, but when he didn’t move his arms, she pushed against them. Instead of allowing her to pass, he slid an arm around her waist, drawing her up against him.
Joey’s hand eased the beer from her hand, bringing it to his mouth and chugging it down. Leaving the now-empty bottle on the counter behind her, he took her face by the jaw to look at him.
“And you’re thinking about blowing it.” A smirk eased over his face as he soaked in the way she made her irritation look irresistible.
Her insides were beginning to melt as she was forced to meet his eyes. “You’re not getting out of this so easily.”
Gently, his hand turned her head to expose the line of her neck. Joey leaned over, bringing his mouth up against her fair skin. The short and bristly hairs of his stubble scratched at her as his lips worked over the sensitive flesh, kissing and sucking at it. His teeth pressed into the skin, applying a moderate but brief amount of pressure.
Layne exhaled a light moan as he worked his magic against her neck. Her hands came up to his chest, digging her fingers into the soft cotton of his tee. “I mean it, Joey.” Her words had lost their edge to them as her eyes fluttered closed momentarily while his tongue grazed along her throat.
He released her jaw so he could grab her hand and bring it up against the zipper of his pants to feel the strain his hard cock was putting on it. “You can mean it all you like, Layney. Hell, you can even be pissed, but you’re going to take my cum down your throat like a good girl.”
The heat of her anger was spreading elsewhere and forming a desire between her legs. Her hand rubbed over the bulge pushing against the front of his pants.
She pushed him back against the pantry door behind him with her other hand. Layne’s eyes locked onto his own with a steamy gaze. Her hand roughly jerked on his pants as she tugged them open. She may have been pissed, but she was going to seize this opportunity.