Page 21 of Chaos Luck Wrath
Armed with today’s breakfast of champions, she headed back upstairs. Once she returned to the bedroom, slowly she sipped the bitter beverage in her mug as she flipped through her phone, finding no messages from either De Luca brother.
“Whatever.” She tossed her phone down onto the bed carelessly. Why should she care if they were going to listen to her and actually leave her alone for the day? Last night she had threatened them both that she would give up sex for Lent if they interfered with her plans for today. That in and of itself would be the greatest gift they could give her as far as she was concerned.
Before she could take her coffee into bed with her, an unusual sound came from downstairs. It sounded like something had fallen, or had it been knocked over?
Placing the mug on her nightstand she went to pull her firearm from the corresponding drawer, only to discover that it wasn’t where she had left it. That was…odd.
Another crash of something downstairs. She tiptoed to the door, straining for any other sounds that would give her a clue of what was transpiring on the first floor. When she heard nothing further, her bare feet carried her down the hall to the top of the stairs as she peered over the railing looking for anything out of place.
Waiting another moment, she continued to investigate while slowly creeping down the steps. Her paranoia began to grow louder inside her head; anxiety sped up her pulse. On one hand, her brain was yelling at her for stupidly walking closer to potential danger, unarmed. On the other hand? It was telling her to stop overreacting and continue towards the source–it was likely nothing at all. As for the teeny part of her brain that thrived off of danger, it was getting excited like it was the damn Fourth of July.
Her feet met the cool tile at the bottom of the stairs. There were no more sounds, no bogeyman was jumping out at her, and all she was met with were thoughts of her ridiculous imaginings.
The tension in her shoulders finally released, visibly lowering them into a state of ease. This damn old house had too many noises.
Layne turned to go back upstairs, only she was stopped by the looming presence of not one, but two bogeymen.
Layne yelped at the sudden appearance of two men clad in dark clothing who had managed to creep up on her. She practically jumped out of her skin at the unexpected sight after settling into a false sense of security.
The man closest to her immediately grabbed her by her arms with a firm grip to prevent her from running off or wildly swinging fists. As her initial shock wore off, her eyes finally observed the obscured faces of the two intruders. One mask with a toothy skull across it and the other with bloody demon canines. Both were unmistakably familiar.
These fuckers had her heart racing inside of her chest thinking that someone had broken into O’Reilly Manor.
As she opened her mouth to bitch them both out, Mr. Tall-Dark-And-Skull-Masked, who had his hands on her, lifted her and tossed her over his shoulder with ease. Her barely covered ass was up close to his face. His gloved hand gave it a hard smack that echoed across the foyer.
“What in the fuck?!” she yelled out. “Joey, I swear to Christ!” Her hands pushed against the flexed muscles in his back.
As she began to protest loudly, that was when Mr. Demon-Couture-Mask approached. He pulled something from his pocket.
“Open up, baby.” His brown eyes glimmered in excitement. Excitement that she was not currently sharing with either of them.
She wrinkled her nose up as she often did when she was riled up. “Gage, I will fu?—”
Her words were cut off as he shoved a ball gag into her mouth, securing the straps around the back of her head. He made sure that it was tight enough to remain in place, but as comfortable as one could hope for.
When her hands instinctively lifted to pull the gag out from between her lips, they were ensnared by Gage’s hand while his other pulled a set of steel cuffs from Joey’s back pocket. With expertise, both of her wrists were detained by the metal rings.
Neither of the guys could understand her muffled ramblings and grunts, but their imaginations filled in the gaps. Layne was less than thrilled they had interrupted a day where she wanted everyone to leave her the fuck alone while she wallowed in misery and obscene amounts of booze.
Gage patted the side of Joey’s arm. “She’s set.”
Joey adjusted her weight on his shoulder. “Be a good girl, Layney, we’re going to go take a drive.”
Based on the way she smacked her hands against his lower back, she wasn’t planning on following directions. He was more than happy to let her throw her fit; it gave him all the more reason to remind her how to be a good girl for them both.
Joey chuckled as he carried her into the garage where his Challenger awaited them.
Gage got into the backseat first, then helped pull her into the back with him. He was careful not to bump her around too much. However, Layne didn’t make it easy for either of them.
Wrapping his arms around her, Gage pulled her into his lap while Joey took up the driver’s seat. He smirked behind his mask, knowing his already hard cock was pressing right up against her ass.
“Relax. Today we’re going to make sure you’re going to be very well taken care of,” Gage whispered into her ear.
The engine of the car began to purr as Joey started it up before pulling out of the garage. His eyes glanced up at the rearview mirror to take a look at Gage and Layne. Thank fuck for the heavily tinted windows. He couldn’t imagine being pulled over and explaining to an officer that this was just a casual kidnapping of his wife in an effort to make her day better.
“Layney, I better hear you behaving back there.” Joey grinned to himself trying to consciously pay attention to the road. It wasn’t a long drive down to the docks, but his dick was telling him that it wasn’t a short enough trip.
With one arm remaining latched around Layne’s waist, Gage pulled his mask down enough to use his teeth to yank off one of his gloves. Using his now bare hand with the WRATH tattoo across the back of it, he slid it down over her stomach until it passed underneath the waistband of those tiny boy shorts she had on.