Page 77 of Chaos Luck Wrath
Both agents nod and stand from their seats. The one asking about my pregnancy is quick to help me onto my feet. Graciously, I accept.
“You have the utmost appreciation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Mrs. De Luca. Per the terms of your immunity agreement, a contact from our witness protection program will be in touch with you,” he says as he walks me to the door.
“I look forward to it.” With that, they make sure I find my way out of the federal building located not too far from the World Trade Center.
Right out front waiting for me is my ride. Gage smirks as he leans back against the side of the same shitty Jeep that just won’t have the sense to finally up and die. I guess in a way I can relate, as I continue to live my life, refusing to lay down and succumb to death.
He approaches me, reaching out for my belly. “Have I told you how hot as fuck you look? My cock is telling me that this needs to be an ongoing condition for you.” Gage’s hands cradle my stomach before he lays a kiss on it.
I roll my eyes at whatever breeding kink he has driving his dick wild right now. “Don’t get your hopes up.”
He follows up with a kiss to my mouth. “We’ll see.”
I climb into the Wrangler, struggling to get the momentum to put my ass in the seat, but with a little nudge from Gage, I am finally in and settled. My seat belt stretches across me to make sure all things precious to both of my guys are secure.
Gage jogs around to the driver’s seat and gets in. “He’s waiting for us.”
Smiling, I can’t wait to finally see his face. The Feds had been far too interested in Joey’s criminal history and all the contracts he had taken from the moment he stepped foot in my life. To spare us both the risk of pissing off Uncle Sam, he has been keeping his distance and lying low.
It was a brief drive across the bridge into Brooklyn. I was all too ready to hop out of my seat the second Gage parked by the quiet little beach Joey and I had dubbed as our spot. His beloved Challenger was parked right beside us and he stood on the beach watching the sun reflect off the calm water lapping at the shoreline.
To say I was running for him was the biggest overstatement of my life. This massive weight I carried on the front of me slowed me down tremendously. How did women do this more than once? I will never know.
Joey turned as I approached, and his face lit up. “Layney.” His lovely brown eyes soaked in the sight of me. “Fuck, I didn’t expect you to look this goddamn gorgeous.” Clearly, he is pleasantly surprised at how well I wear the extra curves. I’d know that heated gaze anywhere.
My steps come to a halt in front of him. “Don’t get any ideas.” I grin and finally begin shifting things underneath my shirt while wrinkling my face up at the intense effort of it all.
His hand reaches out and takes hold of my chin. “We’ll see.” Those chocolate hues holding a promise within them.
These damn De Lucas and their hard-headedness when they get an idea in their heads…or cocks.
I welcome Joey’s slow and intense kiss as he takes claim over my mouth, savoring each part of my lips before his tongue dives into my mouth. The kiss distracts the efforts of my hands underneath my shirt until finally, I feel a sudden release.
Breaking away from his mouth, I let out a massive sigh of relief as the prosthetic belly falls to the ground with a ceremonious thunk. “Jesus, you have no idea how heavy and hot as balls that shit is.” Makes me glad that I have no intentions of thrusting my lifestyle onto any innocent souls in the near future. No child needs to grow up in a life riddled with danger the way I did.
Gage catches up to us both and smiles. He leans over and picks up the rounded stomach from the ground. His hand dives into a small slit in the side, digging around for what is just underneath the surface.
When Gage’s hand pulls back from the silicone, he holds a small electronic chip between his fingers. “How long do you think it will take before the Feds realize that the entire recording of your interview is useless?” He flashed an amused grin.
Thanks to Cowboy, he made sure that what I confessed to could never be used against any of us. His new girlfriend, Amanda, works in the costume design department for some theater production company on Broadway. She was kind enough to hook me up with the prosthetic to house the interference device. Who was going to question a pregnant lady?
The FBI may now know the names of major players and know who to focus on first, but without solid proof, nothing I said could ever come back to haunt me.
I shrug innocently. “Hours, maybe days.” Either way, I expected all of us to be long gone before then.
Joey pulls out his car keys and dangles them in front of my face. “You’re in charge of taking us where we’re going now, Layne.”
I reach out and take the keys into my hand, looking them over.
Smiling to myself, I can say that my decision has come easily. “I think it’s time I leave this city behind. My time here is done, and I’m overdue for a nice, long vacation. How does someplace warm and sunny with plenty of booze sound?”
Joey smiles as he pulls my face to his with his hands. “I don’t care where we go, as long as we’re all going together.” His lips caress over mine once more in a reassuring and loving gesture.
When I slowly pull away from the kiss and look over to Gage to gather his opinion, he responds by hooking his finger under the thin chain around my neck to tug me closer. The charming grin on his face says it all; he wants this change as much as the rest of us.
“You better believe that no matter where we go, I’m going to be there to correct your bratty behavior,” Gage’s tone makes it clear that his words are a lifelong promise. One that he seals with a playful kiss to my mouth.
After we all make it back to where both cars are parked, I turn and look at the Manhattan skyline. My eyes grow wet at the memories of the place I had grown up calling home. Letting go was proving to be more difficult than I anticipated, but I knew it was the right thing to do for all of us.