Page 8 of Such a Good Omega
I’d never gone out with an employee, although club life could sometimes blur the edges of relationships. We did not have a rule against anyone dating as long as everyone was in full consent. Just like anything that happened at Cuffed.
Staff did not get a free membership, but members did have passes that could be used, as long as their guest submitted info for a background check. Since Rowan had already been through that for his job, it could be skipped in his case.
When he brought my drink in, I knew I needed to exercise care and make sure that what I wanted to ask him did not read in a way that made him feel compelled. Oh, I would enjoy giving him orders, but only once we’d reached complete agreement on how that would look. And he’d have to be comfortable with having two completely separate roles together.
There was no guarantee we’d work out. I certainly didn’t have a good experience last time, and I’d planned to stay single for a good long time. Preferably forever. Opening the club seemed like the best way to do that, to have plenty of omega subs to scene with, no ties that bind.
I didn’t believe in fated mates. Not anymore.
And as he stood there in front of me, I studied him carefully. I’d noticed how he responded to any positive words at his interview. “This is delicious, Rowan. Just perfect. You did an excellent job. Not only with the drink but at following the rules.” His tongue darted out to wet his lips, and he shivered. “So, so good.”
I went rock-hard.
“Thank you, Sir.” Did he even know what it meant when he said that? He was not in the lifestyle yet. But he had expressed interest.
“How is your night going so far? Everyone being helpful?”
“Absolutely. I think it’s making it easier that we’re all new. I know some of the others were hired earlier and had more training, but as to real customers, we’re all pretty much on a level field.”
“And you have experience,” I reminded him. “Bartending is bartending, wouldn’t you say?”
“In many ways, yes. There are special drinks here, of course, but the biggest difference from most bars is how people behave.”
“Yes?” I waited for him to say he had a problem with all the kink. Or that it made him uncomfortable.
“Very respectful. Courteous even. It’s nice for a change.”
“Was your last bar a rough place?” I didn’t like the thought of him having to deal with ruffians.
“No, I think it was typical actually. I’ve never been in a club like this before, not even for a visit and I don’t know what I expected, but it’s a pleasant surprise.” He hesitated. “It’s only my first night though. Maybe it’s not always like this?”
“It will be.” Even if it wasn’t always the way we intended it to be, it would be for him. “I’m glad you’re happy here, on your first day.”
I had him sit down, and we spoke a little more. He had some very good observations about his fellow employees and how the manager had things set up. Once again, I regretted that I hadn’t had that position open for him because he had a keen mind for organization.
Finally, after ten minutes or so, it was time to send him back to the bar. His manager wouldn’t appreciate him disappearing even to speak with one of the bosses. “When is your next night off, Rowan?”
“I have no idea. I just started. Why?”
“Give me a moment.” I logged in to the schedule. “You’re off in three days.”
“Oh, okay. Thank you.” His brows drew together in puzzlement, and I wanted to reach out a finger and smooth them. “Did you want me to take off so soon?”
“No, I didn’t set the schedule. I just wondered when there might be a night that you could come to the club as my guest. If you’d like to.”
“I don’t…I mean yes. Of course, but I’ve never done anything that happens here. Is it all right?”
“Come and hang out with me and we can play it by ear.” I came around the desk and sat on the edge. “I promise nobody will flog you without your consent.”
“Flogging? Is that what you like to do?”
I shrugged. “Sometimes. Is that something you might like to try?”
His eyes were so wide I could see the white almost all the way around; his voice so low I had to lean closer to hear. “Maybe.”
Oh, omega.
I brushed a kiss over his parted lips then moved back around my desk. “Then, be my guest and we’ll observe. See what you are interested in. Then we can negotiate.”