Page 19 of Say You Will
“What are you doing?”
I jerked upright and stared into Ace’s hazel eyes. I cupped his cheek with my free hand and lightly rubbed my thumb across his lips. “Nothing. I just realized I hadn’t wished you ‘Happy Birthday’ properly.” Fitting action to words, I palmed the back of his neck and drew him forward into a searing kiss. I took possession of him and didn’t let up until I heard him moan.
As we moved apart, he gazed at me, his dark eyes dusted with hunger. “Thanks,” he whispered. “Can we go in now?”
I chuckled and smirked, gave him a nod. “Sure.”
Ace pulled open the door and stepped inside the darkened interior. “What’s—”
“Happy Birthday!”
“Happy, Happy!”
All sorts of greetings were yelled out. Lights blazed on. Music blasted from the speakers. Ace, frozen a step inside the bar, clutched my hand to his chest. Slowly, he turned to face me, expression caught somewhere between surprised and angry.
“You… This… You planned this? This has been your big secret?”
He hauled me closer, pinning our hands between us. A big grin showcased a row of white teeth and those perfect lips I loved to kiss. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“I can’t believe you managed to keep this from me.”
I shrugged, because what more could I do? This had been the worst four months of my life. There was no way I was ever going to do it again. He better fucking love it.
Ace hugged me and then turned to our family and friends and Brett’s assorted school buddies. “Thank you, everyone. This is an amazing surprise.” Mama Lark was the first one in line to kiss her son and wish him a Happy Birthday. The rest of his family followed, then his best friends. Seth had made the trip, I was happy to see.
He gave his well wishes to Ace first and then approached me, hand extended.
“Seth. Thank you for coming.”
“Auspicious day. I had to. When he came out, I didn’t think he’d ever get—”
I slapped my palm to his mouth, muffling the rest of his sentence.
“Don’t ruin it,” I harshly whispered, removing my hand.
“Ever get what?” Ace asked, inquisitive gaze darting from me to Seth. I flinched, not having seen his arrival.
“Ever get surprised.” Thank God Seth thought fast on his feet.
“Right,” I agreed. “Keeping the secret was really hard.”
Ace pulled me into his side. “But you did it. You all did it. Love you, babe.” He pressed a kiss to my cheek before squeezing me and heading for the bar. Sean, filling in for Terry behind the counter, had placed a tall draft of Guinness down by the time Ace got there.
Seth slapped my back. “It’s all good, Darren. Chill.”
I growled and he laughed, leaving me standing alone to survey the party. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. A line already stretched out for the buffet being served by white-shirted staff. Sean and Jake effortlessly filled drink orders, keeping a written tab for the invited guests and only taking money from the party-crashing college crowd. I only saw dollars being passed, as Jake declared happy hour for them. I pulled Brett to the side and told him that his friends could hit the buffet line.
An hour in, Ty pulled the plug on the recorded music and picked up his guitar. I had thirty minutes to get a handle on the rampaging butterflies before I sprang the second surprise on Ace. Couples took to the dance floor as Ty sang several of Ace’s favorite songs. I watched him dance with his mother first, then his sister-in-law, Melody, cut in. Josey and my mom split the third song, Seth the fourth. That was when I needed to move. No man should be dancing with my guy. No man but me.