Page 43 of Riot
“More sure than I’ve ever been before. I created this life for you. If you want to wreck it, then do it.” I shrug as I pile more food on her plate and watch her eat it. “So where do we begin?”
Kage and I look really fucking good. We dressed to cause them stress.
His black hair is messy and hanging in his face, and his eyes are smoky and lined to the point where I’m debating asking him to do my makeup. His ears are filled with earrings, a giant cross hanging from the left lobe. His suit jacket looks like snakeskin, but it’s a deep black and buttoned low, exposing his built chest and the ink across it. His hands are covered by sheer gloves, and his pants match his suit jacket. It shouldn’t look so slutty, but it does, and I kind of love it.
Following his theme, I chose to wear black as well. The dress is short and long-sleeved, buttoned down the front with a triangle collar and frills down the sides of my chest. I added tall black boots and a wide red belt, with triangles draping over my hips, making them look wider. I add some black shades and dramatic earrings, and when we step out of the car together, I know we make quite the sight.
The Hall Movies building stands tall above us, a skyscraper with glittering windows. This is just the first step in our plan, and we make sure to walk slowly for the paparazzi we called to catch us walking in. It will raise questions and get the public talking just like we want.
Once inside, we head past reception, the lady there scrambling to her feet. “Excuse me!”
I pull down my shades and eye her. “No.” We head through the barriers and into the elevator, hitting the floor Kage’s assistant told us about. They made the meeting, playing on every channel’s need to get into our good books. They might not be willing to pull the docuseries after a call, but they want us to be friends.
Hence, we head right to the CEO’s office and walk in.
He gets to his feet, blinking in confusion as we sit in the chairs opposite his desk. “We still have ten minutes,” he begins, confusion and apprehension swirling in his eyes.
“Sit.” I tilt my head, forcing out the next word. “Please.”
He does slowly, his eyes wide as he looks between us. “Your manager didn’t mention what you wanted. Is it to discuss the series following your life we pitched a few years ago? I’m very glad to finally meet you, Ms. Fallon, and of course you, Kage.”
“No, it isn’t.” I lean back in my chair, watching him. “Are you a betting man, Mr. Perrier?”
“Um, no, not really?” It ends as a question.
Sitting behind his huge desk, with the city view through his floor-to-ceiling windows, he must feel like a god. He is anything but. He might have money and power, but everyone in this world knows my name, and I wonder how many know his.
“I have seen the docuseries you are due to produce on my father.” He blanches. “First, I find it disgusting you didn’t even ask my permission.”
“I’m sorry, Ms. Fallon, but we don’t need your permission?—”
“Did it sound like I was finished?” I snap, and he sits back, his face turning red. I’m guessing he’s never been spoken to like this before. He would throw us out if we were anyone else. “I want you to put a stop to it. Pull the project.”
He blinks, his mouth opening and closing. “We can’t do that,” he yells. “It has been announced, funding is secured?—”
“Kill it,” I demand.
“No.” His nostrils flare as he leans forward. “I respect who you are, Ms. Fallon, but not even you have that power. We can’t and we will not pull this series. We feel it’s important, and the public clearly agrees. I’m sorry you don’t want the truth about your father out there?—”
“Oh, I want the truth out there.” I smile. “But nobody other than me gets to be the one to tell it. It is no one else’s story. It isn’t that you can’t—it’s that you won’t. You want the money and recognition. When was the last time you had a hit? Your movies are tanking at the box office, and your shows aren’t getting renewed. You are failing, and you know it. You need a Hail Mary. I was going to offer you one, depending on your attitude, but I won’t now. You want to be the captain of this ship? Then you will sink with it.”
Standing, I pull my shades back down. “It’s a shame you’re not a betting man because personally, I wouldn’t bet against me. If you want to be my enemy, then fine, you’re my enemy, but be prepared for what that means.” I turn and walk away.
Anger courses through me. I wanted to give them the chance to backpedal. I wanted to work with them, not against them, but I guess we have no choice.
I won’t back down.
Since they are so obsessed with the truth, then they will get it, and it will drown them like it did me.
Ineeded something to cheer my girl up after that asshat refused to pull the docuseries, so when I get the text that I’ve been waiting for, I grin widely. I dropped her off at home at her insistence, but I hurry over now as Elijah waves the delivery truck in. I watch them unload it and inspect it before signing and taking the keys.
“Go away, Kage, I need to think,” she calls through the door.
“Fuck thinking. I got you a present. Come see.” There’s a moment of silence, and then the door creaks open and she peeks out.