Page 51 of Riot
Reaching up with a grin, she sweeps her thumb across my lips, smearing her blood there like lipstick. “Fasten two more buttons,” she orders as she smooths her hair and turns to open the door. “Only I get to see that.”
I do so, possessive happiness spreading through me at her admitting even that weakness.
Fallon is mine, she just doesn’t know it yet, but the whole world will.
Fallon left early this morning after spending another night in my bed, in my arms, making me more addicted, but she had no nightmares, and it makes me proud. I know she’s busy with other things, but I miss her already, so I find myself rewatching yesterday’s interview with Elijah before turning to the news. We didn’t discuss the docuseries or what we were up to, just gave a quick interview, but the message was clear.
We are coming for you.
“Okay, okay, so we need to talk about the most important thing that happened yesterday. Who saw that interview with Fallon and Kage on Late Night News?” a member of the panel asks as I smirk.
“Oh my god, right? It felt illegal to be watching them, like we were interrupting something private. The way they looked at each other . . .” She actually fans her face as if swooning. “I mean, if eyes could speak.”
“Kage was so obvious! He was hanging on her every word. He barely looked away from her!”
“I don’t blame him. Did you see Fallon? She was stunning yesterday.”
That’s it, praise my girl.
“I think it’s clear there is something between them, and the fact that Kage admitted to liking her so openly? The playboy king? I wonder if he can melt our ice queen.”
“I want to know what he said at the end,” another says as I sip my coffee.
“There are people online trying to guess and read lips. It’s what everyone’s talking about. Either way, I think we can all agree the whole world is now obsessed with Fallon and Kage or, as they are calling them, Kallon.”
Elijah shuts the TV off and turns to me.
“We were worried about the backlash, and although there are some disgruntled fans angry at you flirting and wanting Fallon, most are supportive. In fact, you have become one of the trending topics online with shipping videos everywhere.” I lean in as he turns his iPad and watch some of the videos, my grin only growing.
Good, they are rooting for us. It makes it easier.
“Other than that, you have the studio booked today?—”
“Elijah, get me a cat,” I interrupt.
“A cat?” He peers at me, blinking at the sudden interruption. “Why?”
“They are indifferent but also chaotic. I like it. It reminds me of my girl. I think she’ll like it.” I pick up my phone, finding more articles about us. I save them and send her some.
“Kage, earth to Kage,” Elijah snaps, and I glance up at him. “Focus on your career, please, at least for one day. You skipped four sponsorship events yesterday. You don’t care, do you?”
“No.” Standing, I drain my coffee. “Get some of those cat trees and shelves as well. I want it to be happy. Oh, and have that wall dealt with. I want it easy for my girl to come over so she doesn’t get wet.”
“Why don’t I just build a fucking tunnel?” he mutters.
“Great idea, now you’re working.” I slap his shoulder as I pass.
“Kage?” I call as I kick off my shoes. It’s been a long day. I had a meeting with my label to discuss my plan of action, and then we were running through my new album. I still have some things I want to add, but it’s getting there. I don’t know why I didn’t just go home, but it’s become a habit to go to his. I tell myself it’s only because we are working together, no other reason.
After yesterday’s interview, my phone hasn’t stopped blowing up. There were so many questions about my lip, but I refused to answer. Besides, my message wasn’t for them, it was for Terrie. Instead, we spoke about music and life, and I showed everyone I’m working against the type of power I have.
There’s a sudden meow that shocks me, and my eyes widen as a gray ball of fur shoots my way and winds around my feet. Crouching in confusion, I pet the cat, noticing the collar as I pick it up.
Looking around, I notice the ladders and shelves leading up the walls for the cat to climb as well as a cat tree.