Page 71 of Riot
“You’re lucky to be alive,” he murmurs, his voice tight. “Your hand and leg are injured—nothing permanent, which is a goddamn miracle—your nose is broken, your eyes are black, and you have a hairline fracture in your cheekbone and a cracked skull. Those are the most serious. It’s a miracle,” he says, shaking his head, his hands clenched on his thighs as he looks away. “I’m sorry, Fallon. I’m sorry I wasn’t there?—”
“Shh, why would you be? It wasn’t your fault.” I take his hand with a smile. “Besides, I got lucky. Like you said, it could be a lot worse. I guess me getting out of the way even a little saved my life.”
“Don’t joke right now,” he snaps before taking my hand. “I almost lost you, Fallon. Do you know how scared I was? I could hear it happening and couldn’t do—” He shuts up, breathing deeply. “You’re okay, and I’m here. That’s all that matters. Rest now, the doctor will be in soon now that you’re awake.”
I frown as he glances away. He’s pale, too pale, and shaking. I guess it really shook him up. If I’m going to be honest, it scared me too, but I’m trying not to focus on it because I might sink into that fear and never come out.
There’s a knock on the door and a head peeks around it. “Mr. Kage, the police wish to speak to Fallon.” It’s one of my guards, and his eyes are lowered, not even glancing at anyone in the room.
“Let me talk to them.” Kage kisses me and heads out, shutting the door.
Elijah scoots closer. “He lost it. I’ve never seen him like that. He was terrified, Fallon, when he heard the accident. Within a few minutes, the entire police force and hospital suffered his wrath. They are scared shitless. He was like an animal. My usually calm singer was a maniac. He only calmed down when you were settled in this bed. I thought he was going to kill someone. There are forty guards out there, and I suspect whoever hit you will end up in a watery grave.”
The door opens, and I glance at Kage as he slips inside. So that’s what’s wrong. He was worried and probably blames himself.
“I told the police they can fucking wait.”
I blink at his statement, but it shouldn’t surprise me. I hold my hand out, and he rushes my way, taking it and sinking to his knees next to me as I smile. “Elijah, can you give me a second?”
“Of course.” He leaves, and when I hear the door shut, I move over in the bed, making room for him.
“Come on.”
“Baby, you need to rest.”
I arch my brow, and he crawls onto the bed, holding me. I sink into his arms, ignoring the pain it sends through my wrist and head. This is more important. Besides, I’ve felt pain before, and I can handle it.
“I was so scared,” he whispers.
“I know. I’m sorry,” I murmur. “Did they catch the driver?”
“No, they got away, but it will only be a matter of time,” he murmurs. “From now on, you won’t go anywhere alone.”
“I know.” I might want to be independent, but I’m not an idiot. Someone tried to kill me today, so I won’t fight him on this. “It means we are hitting where we need to.”
“Enough,” he murmurs. “Not now.”
“Now is the perfect time to strike.” I look up at his face. “Let them see what’s happening and the lengths someone is willing to go to. They want to silence me, but they are going to do the opposite.”
“Fallon,” he begins, but I lean up to kiss his lips.
“When the doctors let me go of course, but until then, just hold me.”
“Forever,” he promises, kissing my head, but I know that it’s going to take him a while to get over what happened.
I almost died today.
It’s my turn to shake in his arms, and he holds me silently the entire time.
Ihave ten doctors check Fallon over and say she’s okay to be released before I will even think about it. She’s annoyed, but I don’t care. I nearly—I can’t even think about it.
The terror I felt when I heard the crash through the phone, her screams . . . It will haunt me for the rest of my life. She was so happy that morning, so excited and full of life. I never should have let her go alone.
Staring into her beautiful face as she listens to the doctors’ warnings, I swallow my pain and fury. She needs me right now. She might appear put together, but I know she’s scared. She won’t let it out, not here, but she will later, and I’ll be there to catch her. She nearly died, but it will be the last time a hair on her head is ever touched.
I will make sure of it.