Page 84 of Riot
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” he croaks.
“I’m fine.” I slide my hands down his back, and I feel something wet. For a moment, my brain can’t figure out what it is, and I lift my hand to see them covered in blood.
It’s his. My eyes widen as I scream and struggle out of his arms. He groans and falls back, hitting the floor. I drop to my knees as blood pools around me and soaks into the hem of my dress. I slide my hands over him, seeing blood seeping through his shirt.
“You’ve been stabbed,” I blurt. “You’ve been stabbed!” I lift my head. “He’s been stabbed! Help me! Someone, anyone, help!” I scream.
“Sweetheart.” Kage reaches for my hand, covering it. “Shh, it’s okay.”
“Help me!” Help me!” I beg, but the studio is in chaos.
“Oh god,” I hear someone whisper, but I look down at Kage. He’s pale and blinking a lot. That’s not good, right? Shit, what do you do when someone’s been stabbed? I try to remember, but my brain won’t work. “You’re going to be okay,” I promise him. “Get help!” I roar.
“Help is coming, Fallon!” Elijah replies. I can feel people around us, but I only focus on Kage as he reaches up and cups my face. I lean into it as tears spill from my eyes.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” I blabber.
“Shh, it’s okay. You’re okay. That’s all that matters.” His voice is softer than it should be. “I’m so sorry, baby. I can’t keep my promise to be with you forever, but I’m glad I got to love you, even for a little while.”
“No. No.” I shake my head, pressing my hand to his chest to try to stop the bleeding, but it soaks into my dress, turning it red. “Help is coming. You’ll be fine. You hear me?”
“Baby, it’s okay,” he soothes.
“No, don’t you dare die. I forbid it, you hear me? You can’t die. I order you not to,” I snap, pressing harder as he groans.
His skin is pale and too clammy, and the puddle around us is too big. He’s losing too much blood. Did Westie hit something vital?
“Please, Kage,” I beg, a sob bursting from my chest as I stare into his eyes. He’s giving up. “You can’t make me love you and then leave me. You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to make me happy, make me want to live again, and do this. You don’t get to. Do you hear me? I’m ordering you. I’m ordering you to stay with me.” I make my voice firm despite my trembling lips and tears.
His smile is bright despite it. “You’re so beautiful when you’re mad. I think that’s one order I won’t be able to keep, sweetheart. I’m sorry.”
“Please, I can’t do this without you.” I lift him into my arms, pressing my forehead to his as I kiss him, tasting blood on his lips. “I can’t.”
“Yes, you can.” He groans in pain. “You always could. You never needed me, but I’m so damn thankful you had me. You’re a fighter, so fight, and I’ll be waiting for you in the next life, okay? We are eternal, remember? We’ll see each other again, I promise.”
“No. No. You don’t get to say goodbye,” I snap, looking around at the terrified and crying people around me. “Help me!”
“Where is the medic?” Elijah screams.
“Fallon. Fallon . . .” I look back down at Kage as his lips tremble, one tear slipping from his lower lashes. “I love you, sweetheart. I always did and always will.”
“No, don’t say that. You aren’t saying goodbye. I’ll go get help.” I try to pull away, but he reaches up.
“Don’t,” he rasps, his hand shaking against my face. “Just let me look at you. Let my last vision be of you. Please, that’s all I ask.”
Shaking my head, I sob harder. “I can’t lose you. Just stay with me, okay? They are coming.” His eyes start to flutter shut as he coughs, and I hold him tighter. “Just hold on a bit longer, okay?”
“Okay, sweetheart.” His words are slurred, and I hate it.
“I’m here. I’m right here.”
“Can you sing for me?” he croaks.
Sobbing, I force a random song out, and he smiles even as his eyes flutter shut again. Hugging his head to my chest, I keep singing, and when the song is finished, I trail off. “Kage?” I whisper in fear. He doesn’t respond, and I can’t stop the sobs shaking my body. “Please, just hold on,” I beg him. “I’ll sing you any song you want. I’ll do anything you want, just don’t go.”
There’s no answer.
“Please,” I cry, rocking him in my arms. “Please, help me.” I can’t even see past the tears blurring my vision as I hold him in my arms.