Page 120 of Lucky Score
For his orgasm-inducing cock.
And what have I given him in return?
A splitting headache for being a huge pain in his ass for the last week and a half?
"Besides, do you think it's any coincidence that he hasn't moved on with anyone since I broke off our engagement?"
I never thought about the possibility that Seven hasn't been in a relationship in all these years because he's still stuck on her. Could that be true?
"I just want him to be happy," I say.
"Me too. I've known him since we were little kids riding our bikes in our neighborhood. Seven, Eli and I grew up together. I've never met anyone who felt so strongly about the importance of family like Seven used to. I want to give him back his family, Brynn… and I can do that but I'm only here until tomorrow. I only have one chance before I leave. Do you care about him?" she asks.
Of course, I do, or this decision wouldn't be so hard.
"Yes… I care about him very much."
"Then help me give him back his heart… which is his family. He's been apart from it for too long."
If I care about him, I don't think I have much of a choice, so I stand up from my chair.
"I'm going to get dressed."
"Cammy is just about to leave for the restaurant. If you hurry, you could catch a ride back."
"Thanks," I mutter and head out of the kitchen.
I head down the hall and back into Seven's room to put on the clothes I had on last night.
He might be mad at me for leaving when I promised I'd stay, but if there's even a sliver of truth behind what she says about Seven being the way he is now because he lost his family, then I have to step aside.
Even in the best-case scenario, Seven and I only have another forty-eight hours together before I leave for Seattle and return to my life.
I can't sacrifice his potential happiness just because I selfishly want every last hour with him that he'll give me before I go.
After I get dressed and I walk back out of his room, I head for the front door.
Passing by the kitchen, I overhear Josslin on the phone.
"We're legally separated Eli, remember? I've begged you to get help for years and you refused. You've been a stranger living under the same roof as me and Cammy, and I have loved you through every moment, but it's not fair," I hear her tell him. "Please stop making me feel guilty about this. Loving you out of it didn't work. Now I have to move on with my life."
She doesn't hear me walk past, and maybe that's for the best.
What Josslin did to Seven wasn't right. I'll never give her a pass for what she did to him. And what she did to Cammy by withholding a father who would have moved heaven and earth for her wasn't right either. But there's this little piece of me that feels the pain she's going through as she loses her first love. The more time I spend here, the less clear my future with Daniel looks.
I've loved him for so many years that the idea of not being without him scares me. And the pride my father shows at the match I've made with Daniel is the one thing I feel like I've done right in his eyes. I want to make him proud of me like he is of my older brother.
I open the front door and walk out, closing it behind me.
I hear a truck running and turn for Rita's to see if I might be lucky enough to catch a ride.
The driver side door is open and then I see Cammy leaving Rita's house.
"Hey," I say. "Are you headed to Scallywag's?" I ask.
"Yep. Want a ride?"
"That would be great, thanks."