Page 140 of Lucky Score
"I'm not going to fuck you tonight, Brynn, because every time I do, I lose a little more will to walk away. And as long as Daniel is in the picture, you don't belong to me, and that makes me the second choice."
I wish he didn't see himself that way… as anyone's second choice.
"I don't belong to him either and you're not the second choice."
"But I'm not the first either."
We don't say anything for a while after that, and even though the thunderstorm is louder tonight than I anticipated. I end up sleeping through it all.
I wake up early the next morning, hoping that Seven and I can talk, but when I wake, I turn to find Seven isn't in bed anymore.
I get up and head for my living room to check the couch.
My heart sinks when I walk out, only to find that Seven isn't there either.
I go to the window to see if I can see him in his apartment, but his window covering is down, and I can't see him.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Walking into Serendipity's Coffee Shop, my mouth waters as a barista walks past me with a warm cinnamon roll for a table off to my right.
I've lived in this city for years and I've never seen this quaint coffee shop before.
I love finding new places around Seattle and I can see how this one might be my new favorite stop. I'm already itching to bring my laptop down here and find a corner somewhere to write in the ambiance of this coffee house.
My eye catches on someone waving in another corner of the building.
The minute our eyes meet, Cammy's smile stretches wide, and she stands out of her chair. As soon as I get to the table, we embrace in a warm hug and then take a seat.
"I ordered you a tea. I saw the kind you had at the beach house and they make a really good blend here that's similar," she says. "Did you find the place ok? It's kind of tucked in here between these huge buildings."
"I did. The red door was a dead giveaway, and my navigation app brought me right here. I can't believe I've never seen this place before since it's only a few blocks from my apartment."
"Penelope says that it's the city's best-kept secret… but it's not much of a secret. This place is usually booming. It's close to the stadium so whenever I'm interning at the stadium, I walk down with some of the other girls in the office to get coffee or lunch."
I look around to find that most tables are taken.
"It gets busier than this? It's hard to imagine any more people would fit in here. And who's Penelope?" I ask.
"Oh, this is nothing. It's standing room only in the mornings and at lunch," she says, taking a sip of her latte. A little bit of foam covers her top lip, and she licks it off. "Penelope is the Administrative Assistant for the General Manager of the Hawkeyes'… or actually, I guess her new title is the Assistant General Manager but she's juggling both jobs to keep her old position open for me once I graduate. She'll be at the game tonight. You should come with me and meet everyone!"
"Come with you to the game tonight? Isn't it sold out?" I ask.
I've seen the banners around town about the Hawkeyes' opening weekend.
"Yeah, but I always have my dad's tickets."
My heart leaps the second she calls Seven dad, bringing Seven to the forefront of my mind again. Something I've been trying not to think about when I woke up this morning to find him gone, no note left behind… only the faint smell of Arctic Blue Glacier three-in-one shampoo, conditioner and body wash wafting through the air of my apartment.
"How are you two handling everything? Did he ever call home to check on Eli? What's going on with all of that?"
Cammy pulls her mug up to her lips and hides the devilish smile behind it.
"If you're so interested in how my dad's doing, why don't you just come with me tonight and ask him yourself?"