Page 144 of Lucky Score
A text comes through as I round the last block from the bar.
Sheridan: Have you decided what you're going to do tonight?
Brynn: I'm going to end it.
Sheridan: Thank God! She's come to her senses.
Sheridan: Call me tomorrow. Let me know how it went. You're doing the right thing… just in case you're wondering.
Brynn: I should have listened to you sooner.
Sheridan: I know ??
I giggle at her last text and then push my phone back into my purse.
I take the last turn on the sidewalk, and I can see the bar's sign illuminated.
A few steps more and I begin to hear the sounds of a lover's squabble and realize that here in a few minutes, that could be me and Daniel too, only, the closer I get, the more that the backside of the man looks a lot like Daniel.
With every step I take, the man's voice becomes clearer, and his backside becomes more detailed.
My eyes turn to the woman to find that it's someone I've met once and twice at Daniel's office. She's one of the younger female partners at the firm.
I'm directly across the street when I finally see the face of the man, and my stomach drops when I confirm that it is, in fact, Daniel arguing with his co-worker.
His beautiful co-worker.
What was her name?
Courtney, I think.
Their voices carry all the way over to where I'm standing.
"So, you just used me in Australia to get a junior partner vote from me… is that it?" She hisses.
"That's not what happened. We were just having a little fun."
His explanation makes me a little sick. I know that I'm about to break up with him, but as of this morning, I was still debating us getting back together.
"A little fun? You call fucking me for eight months just a little fun?"
"You knew that Brynn and I were going to get back together. This was just supposed to be a short-term thing for us. Before we left Seattle, you agreed that we would use this time to get "us" out of our system before I married Brynn."
I feel the vomit rise in my throat.
"She's a grown woman who can't sleep by herself in a thunderstorm. You're practically dating a toddler. You only keep her around still because she's a big earner…. well, so am I. I have just as nice of an apartment as she does that you haven't minded staying in for the last three weeks while you date her on the side."
He's been staying with her all this time. We haven't been exclusive, but now the reason why he's been too busy to see me more than once a week makes a little more sense. And why he offered to stay at a "co-worker's" apartment while we work on things.
"That's not it. We've been together for too long to break up now."
"You were broken up, you idiot! You dumped her so you could spend eight months screwing me, and now I'm pregnant."
A gasp breaks through my lungs at her news and then they both turn to find me still across the street.
"Brynn!" Daniel yells and then starts running across the asphalt, but a van drives by and almost hits him.
I start walking quicker "Whatever you heard, I can explain," he says when he finally makes it across the street and runs up behind me.