Page 78 of Lucky Score
"Rita's wrong about what she said. Food isn't the way to my heart."
I feel stupid for even repeating it.
I walk over to the cabinet and take out two plates. It doesn't look like she's eaten either.
"I have no motive except to apologize for what happened last night. I figured that making you breakfast would be a good start."
I look over at her sitting at the table, not getting up to make her own plate of food.
"You don't need to apologize. It happened, now it's over. In a week's time, we'll both be back in Seattle, and we can forget this ever happened."
She withheld some vital information that I would have liked to have known before I fucked her until sunrise, but she didn't cheat on the guy. And it's not as if she and I were starting a relationship—it was just sex.
She doesn't owe me anything, but this situation is too close to mirroring my past, and I'm not interested in repeating it.
Brynn is about to say something when my phone starts ringing.
It's Silas.
"I have to take this," I tell her.
I slide the unlock button and answer the call.
"Hey, thanks for calling me back," I say.
"I wouldn't thank me just yet. I wish I were calling you back with better news, but after discussing the vacancies with my assistant manager and taking into account all the people still sleeping on our lobby floor and needing a room, I don't have any availability. I should have some vacancies as soon as the airlines start catching up with rescheduling everyone today or tomorrow."
It was worth a shot, though I knew the odds weren't good.
"I appreciate you for trying. We'll figure out another arrangement. Let me know if a room opens up, will you?" I ask.
"You'll be my first call."
I could always ask Rita about Brynn staying in one of her two other guest rooms. Now that the power is back on and no storm is in view, it's safe for Rita and Brynn to stay in the house.
"I'll let you get back to work. Drinks this week at the bar?" I ask.
"As soon as things slow down over here."
We say our goodbyes, and then I set my phone on the countertop and start dishing up my food.
"Was that Silas?" Brynn asks.
"Yeah. There aren't any rooms right now, but he thinks maybe tomorrow. My niece is supposed to be flying in tomorrow morning, and I could use the guest bedroom for her."
Brynn's eyes drop to her mug, and she wipes at the rim as if trying to wipe off a lipstick smudge.
"Right, I understand. This was always supposed to be temporary until I found somewhere else to go or got a flight back home. I'll find somewhere; don't worry about me."
I don't know where she thinks she's going to find a place to stay. Rita's is the best option that I can think of for the next couple of days, at least.
"I'll check in with Rita tonight about a spot for you. Are you going to eat?" I ask.
"Eventually. I think I'm going to take a shower first and then I'll take a plate of food to my room. I have a lot of writing to do today."
"I'll be outside most of the day doing repairs."
Brynn stands up out of her seat.