Page 66 of Tough Score
"Yeah, he's really great," I admit. "He's smart, kind, and definitely easy on the eyes."
Paula chuckles. "I sense a 'but' coming."
I sigh, running a hand through my hair. There shouldn't be a 'but'. He's perfect for me, and if Reeve were nowhere in sight, I think I'd be head-over-heels for Jaxson.
"It's just... I don't know. I thought there might be something with Reeve, but..."
"But he's your patient," Paula finishes for me.
"Exactly. And even when he's not anymore, there's still the whole issue with my dad. I can't risk ruining his career. And you should meet all the amazing people in the Hawkeyes franchise. If I stay down below where no one can see me and keep my head down, there won't be an issue. But dating a player is going to draw attention. There's already a reporter doing a whole story on the Hawkeyes. She's already been asking more questions than I care to answer."
There's a pause on the other end of the line. "Keely, honey, you can't let your father's mistakes define your entire life forever. You deserve happiness too. I've never met anyone who's punished themselves for someone else's mistake harder than you have."
"I know, I know," I say, feeling the familiar weight of my family history settling on my shoulders. "It's just complicated."
"Life usually is," Paula says gently. "So, tell me more about how Reeve is doing. You must be proud of his progress."
I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. "He's doing amazing, Paula. You should see him. The doctors are talking about clearing him for practice soon."
"That's wonderful news," Paula says, and I can hear the pride in her voice. "You've done an excellent job with him, Keely. But of course, I had no doubts that you would."
Just then, my phone buzzes with a text notification. I pull it away from my ear to check it, seeing Penelope's name pop up on the screen.
Penelope: Meet at Serendipity's at 2pm? It's time for your official initiation into the Hawkeyes girls group. I just saw an email from my dad to legal telling them to start working on your new hire contract for next week. Congratulations girlie!
Penelope: Unrelated question: how many sticky buns do you think you could stuff in your mouth in 30 seconds or less?"
I laugh out loud, causing Paula to ask, "What's so funny?"
"Oh, just a text from one of the Hawkeyes' girlfriends. Apparently, I'm getting officially initiated into their group."
"That sounds exciting," Paula says. "You're really starting to build a life there in Seattle, aren't you?"
I pause, realizing the truth in her words. "Yeah, I guess I am."
Walking into the warm, dry coffee shop with the bright red door, I'm instantly put at ease with the soft sound of jazz music over the speakers, the smell of coffee and pastries. My eyes scan the room for a group of girls who are gathering just for the simple fact that they want to celebrate with me.
"Keely! Over here!" she calls out.
As I approach, I'm happy to see almost everyone is here. Tessa, Autumn, Brynn and Penelope and sitting together at a round oak table and chairs.
"Hi everyone," I say, sliding onto the wooden chair next to Brynn, an open seat to my right.
"We ordered you a latte," Penelope says, pushing a large mug towards me. The foam on top is artfully swirled into a leaf pattern. "Hope that's okay."
"It's perfect, thank you," I say, wrapping my hands around the warm ceramic. "So this is a real thing, huh? The girls of the Hawkeyes? And where is Isla?"
Autumn speaks up. "Yep and our membership is growing in numbers every year," she grins.
Tessa finishes her sip. "Isla texted; Berkeley has the sniffles, so she can't make it tonight," she tells me. "We're also missing Cammy who has to study for her midterms, and Juliet and Shawnie who are in Canada this weekend organizing some big celebrity wedding. They couldn't even tell us which couple."
Autumn wasn't kidding about this group growing.
"That's a lot of women inside the group. So you don't have to date a player to be invited in?" I ask, pulling my warm latte up to my lips.
Penelope's eyes twinkle, and the other girls settle back on mine. "It's not a requirement. Juliet is married to an ex-player, Shawnie works for the Hawkeyes as an event planner, and you know Cammy… she's taking over my position, and she's Seven's daughter."
"But if Penelope has her way, and she often does," Tessa chimes in. "All of them will end up as WAGS of a Hawkeyes player or coach."