Page 15 of Blood Bound
“It’s complicated,” I say, my eyes flicking back to Rowan. She’s watching me warily, her body tense. “We have some…unresolved issues to work through.”
Kara looks between us. “Unresolved issues?” she scoffs. “I’ll say! The last I heard, she’d turned you into a heap of dust.”
I take a deep breath. This situation is spiraling out of control, and I need to regain some semblance of order.
“Kara,” I begin, my voice steady, “I understand your concern. But there’s more going on here than you realize. Those photos of Mia—”
“Don’t you dare!” Rowan interrupts, her voice sharp with anger. She turns to her sister, eyes blazing. “Kara, don’t listen to him. He can’t be trusted. He’s been manipulating me, us, this whole time.”
“That’s not true, and you know it, Rowan,” I respond.
Kara looks between us, her brow furrowed in confusion. I can see the conflict in her eyes – the protective instinct tussling with her curiosity.
“Hold on,” Kara says, holding up a hand. “Let’s all take a moment to think here.”
Rowan opens her mouth to respond, but I cut in, needing to get my side of the story out. “Rowan saw those pictures on my phone and jumped to conclusions before I could explain.”
“Because there’s nothing to explain!” Rowan snaps. “Kara, he’s involved in Mia’s disappearance, I know it.”
Kara’s eyes narrow further, and she turns to me, her gaze sharp. “Is this true? You have information about Mia?”
I shake my head, choosing my words carefully. “Not specifically. And it’s not what Rowan thinks. It’s…complicated.” More than complicated. Lucien’s weaving a web that’s so tangled I may never unravel it. But the last thing I want is to put Rowan in his crosshairs.
“Complicated! What a fucking joke! Don’t fall for it, Kara,” Rowan warns, grabbing her sister’s arm. “He’ll say anything to get us to trust him.”
Kara hesitates, looking torn. I can see the hope in her eyes at the mention of Mia but also the wariness as she glances at her sister’s distressed face.
“Look,” Kara says finally, her voice measured. “We both want the same thing here – to find Mia. Maybe we should hear him out, Ro. At least let him explain about the photos.”
I watch as Rowan’s face contorts with a mix of anger and hurt that twists something inside me.
“I’d rather kill you again than listen to another word out of your lying mouth!” she spits, her voice trembling with rage.
I take a step forward, desperate to make her understand. “Rowan, please—”
But she’s already turning away, grabbing Kara’s arm. “We’re leaving. Now.”
Kara hesitates, glancing between us. “Ro, maybe we should—”
“No!” Rowan cuts her off sharply. “We’re done here.”
I watch as Rowan storms off, practically dragging a reluctant Kara behind her. The younger Blackwood sister throws one last look over her shoulder at me, her expression unreadable, before they disappear around the corner.
I stand there for a moment, frustration and something dangerously close to despair coursing through me. How did everything go so wrong so quickly? I rake a hand through my hair, trying to regain my composure.
The memory of Rowan’s face, twisted with hatred and distrust, burns in my mind. I’ve lived for centuries, faced countless enemies, but somehow, this stubborn witch’s rejection cuts deeper than any blade.
I clench my fists, the gravity of my situation sinking in. Not only do I need Rowan to understand the truth about Mia, but I’m also acutely aware of the growing hunger gnawing at my insides – a hunger that only Rowan’s blood can truly satisfy, especially after the immense energy I used to heal myself from her magical attack.
The realization hits me: without Rowan, I may not survive much longer. I need to fix this. Somehow, I need to make her understand. But from the looks of it, she’d happily see me die, anyway.
Chapter 6
Istand on the rooftop garden, brooding as I replay the confrontation with Rowan in my mind. Beyond the edge of the roof, the estate lawns sprawl below, but I barely notice the moonlit greenery. All I can see is the fury in Rowan’s eyes, the way her magic sizzled around her, and the utter betrayal on her face.