Page 1 of What the Hex
Chapter one
Typically filled with laughter, conversation, and music, the quiet emptiness of Blackhaven Manor was a little disconcerting. Still, a cautious excitement hung in the air, infecting the staff as it spread to every corner of the castle.
After months of waiting, the day had finally come.
Gathered in the hotel lobby with two dozen or so of his fellow co-workers, Kingston Mathers shifted from one foot to the other in anticipation as he awaited his instructions. He secretly hoped he would be working directly with their special guests, but honestly, he was just happy to be included at all. Even if he could only watch from a distance, he could hardly believe he’d been given such an opportunity.
Dressed in a sleeveless white sundress dotted with cherry blossoms, Skye Maddock held her dainty hands at her waist as she faced the group. She’d pulled her long, golden curls into a high ponytail, leaving a few strands loose at the front to frame her face.
With her cheery smile and Barbie blue eyes, she looked like spring personified.
“Kol, Wren, and Simon, you’ll be in charge of guest services. Coordinating reservations, room service, currier deliveries, etc.”
A small man with blond hair that fell down to his hips, Wren cocked his head to the side with a mischievous grin. “So, what we always do?”
Skye narrowed her eyes at him, but her lips twitched at the corners. “Watch it. I have no problem sending you back to Louisiana.”
“Bet you won’t,” the petite male responded with a smirk. “You love me.”
Kol, their lead concierge, elbowed him in the ribs. “Shut up.”
Skye simply rolled her eyes and moved on to the next group.
King hadn’t met Wren before that morning, and he still hadn’t decided how he felt about the guy. He had learned from other staff members that Wren was a previous employee who had transferred to the sister hotel in Hunters Hollow, Louisiana, a few years ago.
Apparently, he had “volunteered” to help out for the next three weeks at Blackhaven Manor.
Clearly, being friends with the boss had its perks. Considering the number of people employed at the castle, his assistance wasn’t exactly needed, but King fully understood why he’d requested to be there.
A number of scenes from the new gay drama, Checking In, had been slated to film at Blackhaven Manor in late February. Four months later, after several delays, the cast and crew were finally arriving that afternoon.
Most of the staff had never witnessed the filming process before, and they looked forward to the experience. At least, that was what they told each other. In reality, everyone was practically vibrating with anticipation of meeting the stars of the show.
With two other dramas and a full-length movie under their belts, the main couple had recently exploded in popularity. Seemingly overnight, they had amassed legions of fans, and with several brand deals between them, even people who didn’t follow the genre had heard the names Storm Black and Damien Frost.
Their shippers—fans who either wanted or already believed the actors shared a romantic relationship—were seriously next-level. The way they analyzed every little move, smile, or word took obsession into a whole new dimension. King couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have so many people care that much about every mundane detail of his life, and he hoped to never find out.
While not a shipper himself, he admitted to being a fan. He considered both actors incredibly talented, and together, they had explosive on-screen chemistry. That was enough for him. As for who they dated or slept with, he couldn’t have cared less.
“Cyrus,” Skye said, speaking to the hotel’s head of security. “Filming starts next Monday, but there are interviews and two fan meetings this week. We should also anticipate large crowds outside the hotel.”
The hellhound dipped his head, his black eyes never wavering from the female. “My team is ready, and the sheriff’s department is sending out a handful of deputies.”
Skye nodded, then turned to a middle-aged male at the edge of the group. “Harry?”
Harry Bowen, who oversaw every restaurant and bar in the building, cleared his throat. “The catering menus and craft table selections have been approved. We’re ready.”
Satisfied, Skye continued down the list, speaking next with leaders and managers from other teams before finally reaching the housekeeping staff.
As she outlined their duties, it sounded as though not much would change for them. They would ensure the rooms and common areas remained clean, bring guests extra towels and pillows, and respond to requests as needed.
A lucky few of them, however, would be helping out with cleanup during production, setup and breakdown during events, and maintaining the other cast and crew areas. No one had been assigned to those tasks yet, and they hadn’t been given any indication as to who would be chosen.
An ingenious move on the part of their manager since everyone on the housekeeping staff had been especially diligent in recent weeks, hoping to earn an edge over the others.
“We’re ready,” Maia said. With a wide smile, she turned to those gathered and glanced down at her clipboard. “Celia, Libby, Jacob, Nita, Collin, and Eric. You will be taking care of the cast and crew areas.”
She said a few more words after that, but King had stopped listening. Hanging his head, he bit the inside of his bottom lip to stifle his disappointment. Until that moment, he hadn’t realized how much he’d been hoping to hear his name called.