Page 32 of The Eleventh Hour
“What does this-”
I glare, and Dane subsides. Rafael stands quietly at his side.
“A lot of families grew up in this all-consuming poverty. Louis was born here. In this poverty, somewhere. The clues to who he is and how he thinks are here if we can unravel his past. That’s why I came back to Hurricane.”
Dane grabs me by the shoulder and spins me around. “How don’t you know anything about him? You lived with him for years? You were going to marry him!”
I wrench myself free and shove him in the chest. “Keep your hands to yourself. And you want to know how I didn’t know? Because he lied, constantly, easily, with no regret or remorse.”
“You should have seen-”
“What, red flags? What fucking red flags should I have seen? We had a perfectly normal life, and I trusted him,” I scream.
Dane blinks, and Rafael reaches for me, but I shift my arm away from him.
“How was I supposed to know that when he was going to work, he was hunting?” I ask, trying to lower my tone and failing. “How was I supposed to know that underneath the surface of the man who brought me Advil and chocolate was a man who was so evil he wasn’t even human?” I shake my head, furiously dislodging the memories.
“How was I supposed to know? I thought my life was set, it was written, it wasn’t perfect, but it was nearly, and it was enough for me!”
“Stop, please.” Rafael reaches for me, even as Dane takes a step backwards, his face blanching.
I’m sobbing for air. No tears but so much rage.
“How was I supposed to know there was a serial killer in my bed and in my heart? Tell me, Dane, how was I supposed to know?”
He doesn’t answer me, but then I don’t really expect him to.
Rafael takes her into his arms and glares at me over her head.
I scowl and turn around. I don’t believe her. There had to be something that she saw, some feeling. She had to know something. How can you live that long with someone and not know?
I scrub my hand over my stubble. Terrance would’ve kicked my ass for that stunt. Shame floods me. I shouldn’t have attacked her like that, but seeing the news this morning, and she just looks so…good. Her slightly sweet smell filling the car. It was infuriating. I shouldn’t have lit into her. God, I’m a mess.
I turn around and clear my throat. Rafael lets go of her, and I don’t miss the way she wraps her arms around her stomach like she’s holding herself together. Not as tough as she pretends she is. I am an ass.
“I don’t know if you’re telling the truth, but I want to believe you,” I say slowly. “We love Terrance, but I shouldn’t have attacked you like that. Nothing excuses my behaviour.”
She slowly lifts her eyes to mine, and I can see she’s shocked silent.
“I can understand how you might be freaked out, with him back-”
“He’s not back,” she snarls and pulls on her hair before pacing quickly back and forth. “It’s not him, trust me.”
“I’m freaked that he’s back, too,” I say, ignoring her outburst. “So, let’s do this. Let’s find him and nail his ass to the wall. Maybe we can clear you.”
She hisses a mocking laugh. “He’s too smart. But I’m telling you, this is not Louis.”
“Bullshit. He’s arrogant and cocky. He’ll have messed up somewhere.” Her need to argue with me is driving me nuts.
She looks up at me, huge silver eyes, and in the despair, I see a tiny little spark of hope. At that moment, she reminds me so much of Rafael that I’m lost for words.
Rafael takes her hand, stepping into the silence.
“We can get him together,” Rafael says, and it’s a promise.