Page 51 of Darkest Desire
Squinting in the darkness under the table, Phoebe looked down the long line of women sitting between their Masters’ thighs. She couldn’t see everyone but it was clear that a fair number of them were, indeed, pregnant.
“Wow,” she murmured. “I guess you’re right.”
“Of course I’m right!” Be’ti’ta said crossly. “But it’s not my fault I’m not pregnant yet. Maybe if his Lordship the Undersecretary could squirt more than a few drops at a time and he didn’t waste it all in my mouth, I’d already have a baby stretching my belly!”
Before she could go on, something thumped on the table hard enough to make all the silverware and glasses above rattle together. It sounded to Phoebe like someone had hit the table with a ham-sized fist.
“Oh, that’s Fuck—I mean, Thruck!” Be’ti’ta gave a little giggle and then hiccupped before taking another swig from her silver can. “He’s making his nightly announcement now.”
“What announcement?” Phoebe asked. But Thruck soon answered her question.
“Friends and fellow males, it appears that once again the Shining One has not deigned to grace us with his presence. We grieve, of course, for we love to see his Royal face, but since the Emperor is not here, let us begin our banquet.”
There was some polite clapping from the males sitting above them and Be’ti’ta rolled her eyes.
“See? That always happens! And then Fuck—I mean Thruck—gets to run things however he wants because the Emperor never shows up anymore.”
“Do you think there’s something wrong with him? The Emperor, I mean?”
Phoebe took another sip from her can. She really did like the fruity flavor, but she was beginning to feel slightly light-headed and loose—kind of like the way she’d felt that one time when her friend gave her an edible in college. Maybe she ought to slow down…
“Dunno if there’s anything wrong with him or not. I guess you could ask the servants—they’re the only ones that can get into his room since Fuck locked the main door.” She hiccupped again. “They just?—”
But Phoebe never got to hear the end of her sentence. Just then Y’sfer reached down under the table and grabbed a handful of her long blue hair.
“Get over here and service me, woman!” he demanded. “The food is being served and I want you sucking me as I eat!”
“Yes, my Lord!” Be’ti’ta dove back between his thighs and began sucking his tiny, shriveled cock again. She was displaying more enthusiasm for the task than she had before, Phoebe noticed—almost as though she wanted to suck him. Which was definitely strange.
And then she heard Thruck saying,
“But why is your female not servicing you?”
“She was a moment ago but I prefer to concentrate on my food while I eat without any distractions,” Sirex said smoothly.
Looking up through the round glass “table window”, Phoebe felt like she was at the bottom of the ocean, looking up through the waves to the sky above. For a moment, it almost seemed like everything was swaying around her—like she was deep in the sea and the ocean current was rocking her gently from side to side…
Then it occurred to her that this strange sensation wasn’t normal. And why was she having thoughts about being under the sea? Also, why did her nipples suddenly feel so tender and why was her clit throbbing with need?
Did I suddenly just get a hundred percent hornier in the last ten minutes? she wondered. And if so—why?
Looking down, she found the silver can of Sparkler was still in her hand. But when she shook it, there was only a swallow left. Had she really drunk almost the whole thing? She tilted the can to get the last drops but they somehow missed her mouth and the last bit of sweet, sticky liquid poured over her breasts instead.
“Oops!” Phoebe muttered and then giggled because the accident seemed really funny for some reason. She started to try brushing the sticky stuff off her breasts but remembered at the last minute that she was wearing the non-con bracelets and didn’t want to shock herself. Well, it looked like she was just going to have to stay sticky—at least until the banquet was over.
Suddenly she felt even hornier. Putting down the empty can, she scooted closer to Sirex’s crotch. Reaching up, she began to rub the thick bulge between his thighs.
But she barely had time to enjoy the warmth of his cock through the smooth leather of his trousers before his big hand shot down and grabbed her by the wrist. Sirex’s face suddenly appeared as he ducked down to look under the table.
“Phoebe! What in the Seven Hells do you think you’re doing?” he growled, glaring at her.
“Why…just pleasuring you, Master. Like all the other girls are giving pleasure to their Masters,” Phoebe protested innocently. She was still feeling pleasantly light-headed and extremely horny. The idea of kneeling between her mentor’s thighs and sucking him off made her feel naughty and deliciously submissive.
“Why are you trying to stop your female from giving you oral pleasure?” she heard Thruck asking in a disapproving voice. “Here in the Royal palace it’s customary to allow your female to suck you as you eat.”
“It seems like a strange custom to me,” Sirex growled. “Why would you make up a tradition like that in the first place?”
He still had hold of Phoebe’s hand, keeping her from touching him. So instead, she turned her head to the side and began rubbing her cheek against the hard bulge of his cock. Mmm, his spicy, masculine scent was stronger here—it seemed to invade her senses and make her want to suck him even more!