Page 23 of Stealing First
“Hello, my name is Tim.” The waiter stops at the edge of the table and smiles at Macy. “Hey, Cord.”
“Timmy, this is Macy. She’s also the newest member of the Pit Bulls PR team.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Macy.” Tim’s smile widens.
He’s only a year or two older than me and I’ve always liked him, but if he keeps smiling at my girl like that, I might have to reevaluate my feelings for him.
“She’s also my girlfriend,” I growl, making his eyes widen for a split second before he glances over at me and nods his head in understanding.
“Cord, do you want your normal unsweetened iced tea?”
“Yes, please.”
“Macy? What can I get for you?”
“I’ll take the same. Thank you.”
Tim nods again before hurrying off to grab our drinks. I grab a menu and hand it to Macy. I already know what I want, I don’t even bother looking at the menus anymore.
“Really? Cord, you can't keep growling at any man who smiles at me.” She sighs and shakes her head.
“He wasn’t smiling, he was assessing his chances with you and I just wanted to let him know the answer was zero. He has zero chances with you.”
“And what makes you think that?” She arches a sassy brow.
“Because you’re mine.”
“This is fake! We just talked about this!” She talks wildly with her hands, getting more and more annoyed with me.
“Even if it’s fake, I would never allow someone to flirt with my girl in front of me. I’d put them in their place and claim you.”
“That’s not fair, Cord,” she whispers softly, dropping her gaze to the table top.
“Because when girls flirted with you, there was nothing I could do. I had to just stand by and watch.”
My heart sinks to my chest as I watch her shoulders slump. Gone is the confident business woman I’ve had the pleasure of spending my morning with and in her place is an insecure woman who feels vulnerable and unloved.
Now, it’s my job to show her how much she means to me.
Chapter 15
I suck my bottom lip between my teeth and bite down, trying not to cry again. I swear I'm normally not a crier. I typically can swallow down my emotions and hide behind a bitchy mask, but not today.
Right now, I feel like every emotion is being displayed across my face for the world to see. I feel like the walls I’ve built to keep Cord out are quickly crumbling down around my feet, no matter how hard I fight to keep them standing. It’s too hard to slip behind the mask, even if I want to.
“Look at me, Mace,” Cord says softly. He takes my hand and gently cradles it in his large one. When I don’t lift my gaze from the menu, he softly squeezes my hand until I do.
“What?” I try to put as much sass into the word as I can, but it still sounds timid and heartbroken.
“I'm sorry if I ever let you feel like you weren’t enough. If I ever somehow made you feel like the fans were more important than you. Babe, you’ve always been the most important person in my life and my biggest regret. If I could tell my younger self one thing, it would’ve been to hold on tighter to you because life sucks without you. I would’ve somehow made fans stay away or put-up boundaries.”
“How would you have done that?”
“Fuck, I don’t know, Mace. I just would’ve made more of an effort. I would’ve exhausted every resource I had at my disposal to keep you with me.” He trails his thumb back and forth across the back of my hand, soothing me just like he always did.