Page 27 of Stealing First
You’d think Macy has a ton of friends, even though she only has Charlie and Cici. She doesn’t trust easily and because of that, she always keeps people at arm’s length. It’s hard to get behind those walls she builds to protect herself, but when you finally do, the person she hides is beautiful.
Smithy doesn’t waste a second. He whips his shirt off and puffs out his chest. He knows I have more muscle than him and he’s trying to make up for it.
“Dang, Smithy! Looking good.” Macy grins, she knows she’s playing with fire.
“But does he look better than me?” I arch a brow, daring her to lie. I know what she likes and Smithy isn't it. I’m exactly what she likes. Hell, I’ve been working my ass off since I hit puberty to make sure I’d catch her eye.
“I don’t know.” She has her legs crossed with her elbow resting on her knee and her chin planted in her palm. She taps her bottom lip with her index finger, making me chuckle. She loves to drive me crazy.
“Is that so?”
“Well, you’re definitely bigger than him, but that doesn’t mean you look better.”
“Please, you always like bigger.” I roll my eyes.
A flirty smile spreads across her cheeks as she sinks her perfectly white teeth into her bottom lip. She looks adorable right now. I wish I had my phone so I could capture the image in front of me. I’d make it my screensaver so I could look at it every day.
“Bigger is better.” She winks at us.
“C’mon! Between you and Charlie, I'm going to have self-image issues,” Smithy grumbles with a pout.
“I'm sure Lilliana could help with that.” I grin, but let out a low grunt when he smacks me in the stomach with his bat. “Asshole,” I murmur under my breath.
“Powell, you’re up!” Danny calls, sounding more than annoyed.
I'm not sure if he’s pissed I'm screwing around and not taking this seriously, or if it’s because of the beautiful women coming to work here. He flirted with Charlie and lost her to Wyatt. I wasn’t taking that chance with my girl. I made it clear from the first second she wasn’t up for grabs, but I haven’t missed the way his eyes linger on her when she enters the room. He likes her, but he can't have her.
“Make me proud, baby.” Macy blows me a kiss, making me grin. I’ve missed having her in the stands. As much as I try to forget everything around me when I'm on the field, I always play better when she’s watching.
I jog towards home plate and take a practice swing. Leo’s in the zone and isn't screwing around today. He’s feeling the pressure of the season starting and he wants to be strong for the first game.
I watch him carefully. I’ve picked up on his tells over the years and I know exactly what he does differently for various pitches. I’ve learned to read him like an open book and I'm working on doing the same with other pitchers in the league.
The first ball is a fast pitch and I don’t try to swing at it. The ball is going to come in a little too high.
“Nice eye,” Wyatt mumbles from his spot on the milk crate. I can only imagine how much it’s killing him to not be able to play.
The next is a curveball and I know it’s going to be a good one. I swing into it, giving everything I have. It’s going to fly far into the outfield, I know it.
As soon as the ball hits the bat with a loud crack, I take off at a run. It might be a homerun or someone might catch it, but I won't stand around and wait to see what happens. I'm getting on base, maybe even onto second base, if I can.
My foot hits first base and I keep going. I didn’t get a homerun, but it was close. I glance around as I close in on second base. Schmidt grabs the ball and pulls his arm back to launch it to Wheeler. I don’t have a lot of time to get to the bag, but I'm not going to let that deter me.
The ball is hurled towards Wheeler and I dive for the bag, wishing I had put on a damn shirt. This is going to hurt, but I'm not getting out if I can help it.
I slide against the dirt and touch the bag right before I hear the ball hit Wheeler’s mitt. He lets out a groan, knowing I'm safe. I'm sure he’s pissed, especially when I just got him out.
“You’re such a pain in my ass,” he grumbles under his breath.
“Sorry, Wheel. We can't all be as amazing as me.” I stand to my full height and pat him on the chest.
“Yeah, at least I'm not going to have friction burns all over my chest.”
I glance down to find my skin already looking raw and red. It’s not the worst I’ve had, but it definitely is going to sting, especially when I try to clean off the dirt.
“Oh, well. I'm sure I’ll live.”