Page 25 of Come Back to Me
“I missed you guys,” I sigh. “I always forget how much until I come back home.”
“Not too much longer, sweet pea. Soon you’ll be all ours again.”
Chad and Devon stumble into the room whispering to each other. All eyes snap to them and Devon’s cheeks heat in embarrassment, before she recovers.
“Taste this and tell pops how magical my cooking is.” Nixon winks, holding out a wooden spoon with sauce on it.
My gaze bounces between him and the spoon, trying to decide if I should do it. Something about tasting food from a spoon being held by someone else makes it feel… romantic.
“Oh, here we go.” Dad mocks with an eye roll.
I have no choice, if I refuse to try it Dad will never let him live it down and I’ll hurt Nixon’s feelings. Leaning in, I close my mouth around the edge of the spoon. I take a quick taste before stepping back. Flavors burst over my taste buds and surprise me. I have to fight to hide the moan fighting to break free. I can't believe Nixon made this.
“Well? Don’t keep us waiting? Can the model worthy Adonis cook or what?” Devon blurbs out.
“It needs some pepper.” I wink, lifting the pepper grinder, sprinkling in the smallest amount.
“Savvy, you gotta little something…” Nixon steps closer.
His hand lifts and his thumb brushes against my bottom lip. My entire body goes on high alert as heat races from his touch, spreading through my entire body. When he pulls his hand back, he licks the sauce off his thumb.
“Oh, fuck. Please tell me you’re single,” Devon groans, fanning herself with her hand.
“Devon! Shut up!” I hiss over my shoulder.
“Nuh, uh. If a guy like that looked at me the way he’s looking at you… Damn, Sav, I’d throw myself into his arms and never let him go. No other guy could ever compete.”
“What the hell?” Chad mutters from next to her.
“Oh shush. I'm not dating you.”
“Yeah, but still.” He pouts, seeming to care more about Devon’s reaction to Nixon than mine.
“Dinner’s ready. Everyone can grab a seat while I bring all the food out.” Nixon’s voice startles me, I didn’t realize he was so close to me.
“Can I help?”
“Nah, go sit with your friends. I can handle it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I'm fine.”
When I get to the table, I'm surprised to find Devon sitting next to Chad like she belongs there.
“Am I not allowed to sit next to my boyfriend?” I chuckle, making them think I'm joking around, but I'm not.
They’ve seemed too close for comfort recently. I wonder how long it’s been going on, but I’ve been stuck in my head recently. I study every chance I get, nothing else matters.
“You can, but then I can't stare at Nixon. I need to be across from him,” Devon whines. “Can't I please sit here? You can stare at Chad then too!”
“Whatever,” I grumble, dropping into the seat across from Chad.
He gives me a sad smile, almost like he’s sorry. I can't help but wonder why.
Nixon carries in a big bowl of linguini and a huge platter of crispy chicken. He leaves, then comes back with garlic bread, sauce, and a salad.
“Wow, this looks amazing. You’re just the total package, huh?” Devon nibbles on her bottom lip, trying to get Nixon to pay attention to her. He’s either blind or completely uninterested.