Page 27 of Come Back to Me
“Until you turned your back on her. You haven’t spoken to her for several years, right?” Devon smirks from the other side of the table. Tilting her head to the side, she examines Nixon.
“Yeah, why exactly did you do that?” Chad arches a brow, taking a sip of his drink.
“I think that’s between Savvy and I.” Nixon tries to appear unaffected, but his clenched jaw and the fist balled in his lap gives him away.
“Chad, stop it. There’s no reason to try to start shit.” Reaching for Nixon’s hand, I give it a quick squeeze. When I try to pull my hand away, he grips it in his own, threading our fingers together all over again.
The rest of dinner goes as smoothly as I can hope for. Chad and Devon keep their snide comments to themselves. They glance at each other every few minutes, having a silent conversation I’m not part of. Nixon doesn’t let go of my hand the entire time. It’s comfortable, reassuring, and feels like home.
“So, Chad, what are you planning on doing after graduation?” Dad asks when we’re all relaxing in the living room on the couches.
“The plan is for me to take over my father’s construction business.”
What? He never told me that. Chad has never told me a single thing about what he plans to do with his life. I thought he didn’t know yet. I never knew he had his whole future planned out. One I don’t think he plans on including me in.
“That sounds like a good plan. Where are you from?”
Dad turns his gaze to me, studying me. His eyes soften, he’s always been able to read me like a book. He knows I'm thinking California is a long way from Pennsylvania.
“Devon, what are your plans?” Mom moves the focus away from me. She’s always been the best at that.
“Oh, I’m a business and event management major. I'm planning on being an event coordinator when I go back home. I live in California, actually I'm pretty close to where Chad’s from.”
“That’s a long way from here. Has to be at least a five-hour long flight, maybe more.” Nixon’s voice hits me like a bus.
I know that tone. He’s trying to make a point, yet keeping his emotions out of it. He doesn’t like Chad and Devon; the feelings are mutual. Well, maybe not from Devon. I'm sure she likes him, and she definitely likes to look at him.
I glance up at Nixon, finding his eyes already on me. The heat of his stare makes me squirm in my spot next to Chad.
Chad’s sitting in the center of the couch, Devon and I on either side of him. He has an arm around each of our shoulders. Dad’s relaxing in his chair with Mom on his lap and Nixon’s on the other chair.
“Yeah, but it’s beautiful out there. So much better than around here. I’ve hated every second of college. I miss the ocean and the warmth,” Chad replies.
“What will happen with you and Savvy after graduation?” Nixon stares him down.
“I don’t know. I still have another semester left. There’s no point of focusing on something so far off.”
“It’s like five months away. Not that far off at all,” Nixon says slowly, almost like he can't believe how stupid Chad is. “Plus, Savannah’s done after the current semester.”
I stare down at my hands, avoiding everyone’s gaze. I can't believe I thought it’d be a good idea to bring Chad and Devon home for the holidays. This is turning out to be a disaster.
“Well, I guess if she wants to move to Cali, then we can continue this. Otherwise, I don’t know. It’s not like I can up and move a construction company. It doesn’t work like that.”
“Ok!” Mom claps. “Who’s ready for dessert?”
“I’ll go get it.” Jumping off the couch, I rush into the kitchen before anyone can volunteer to help me. I just need a minute alone before I walk back into the lion’s den. There are so many emotions overwhelming me right now.
My boyfriend basically just told my family that unless I want to follow him to California, our relationship is over. My best friend doesn’t seem to know if she wants Chad or Nixon keeping her company at night and Nixon’s trying his hardest to show Chad he’s not going anywhere.
I swear, Dad, Mom, and I are just watching them volley insults and snide comments back and forth at each other. I'm starting to regret inviting Chad and Devon home with me. No, not starting. I fully regret it.
Chapter 16
Shit. I should’ve kept my mouth shut instead of putting Chad in his place. Now, I’ve upset Savvy.