Page 30 of Come Back to Me
“That makes two of us,” she whispers with a frown.
“Night, Carla.” Placing a kiss on her cheek, I exit the room to tell everyone else goodnight.
“I'm heading to bed. It was nice meeting you, Devon and Chad. Donny, thanks for letting me use your kitchen. Savvy… It’s good to see you again.” Tapping the door frame twice, I take the steps two at a time and close myself inside my room.
This is going to be a long weekend filled with nothing but stress.
Chapter 17
Within a few minutes of Nixon going to bed, Dad goes to help Mom in the kitchen. I yawn for the third time in a row. I'm exhausted after this week. I’ve stayed up late studying for exams and trying to pack every night.
“Why don’t you go to bed, babe? You’re obviously tired.” Chad rubs a hand up and down my back.
“Are you sure? I feel bad going to bed before the two of you do.”
“Nah, it’s fine. We’re used to hanging out.” Devon waves me off.
“You made the whole drive by yourself. Dev and I switched back and forth, so it wasn’t as bad for us. Go to bed, we can all hang out in the morning.”
“Alright,” I say through another yawn. “I'm going. I’ll see you both tomorrow.”
Climbing the stairs, I walk past the door to Nixon’s room. I wonder what he’s doing right now. I doubt he was tired enough to go to bed at eight, he was always a night owl.
After changing into pajamas, I grab a thick blanket and my notebook and open the door to my balcony. I don’t expect to find Nixon already out there with his laptop on his lap, feet propped up on the wicker table.
“Hey, I thought you were going to bed.”
“Nope. I have a bunch of work I need to catch up on. What are you doing out here?” He lifts his gaze from his screen, the blue glow lighting up his features.
“I need to study. I told everyone else I was tired and going to bed.”
“Ahh, the closet study nerd. I remember her quite well.”
“Shut up.” I laugh, nudging him to move over and make space for me on the small loveseat.
“You used to hide in our tree house and pretend no one existed around you. When Carla would call you for dinner, you’d beg for five more minutes to study. I don’t think there’s a nerdier person out there.”
“You never complained.”
“Nope. I used to love just sitting and watching you study. You gave me something to draw. When I moved back home, I found an entire box full of sketches of you studying. I wallpapered an entire room with them.”
“You did not!” I swat at his chest.
“You’re right, I didn’t, but I might.”
“You sound like a stalker.”
“That’d be some next level stalker shit. Forget photographs, everything would be hand drawn.”
“What are you working on?”
“It’s a finance app. It’s supposed to link to your credit card and bank account. You set a spending limit for the week or month and it keeps track of your purchases. You can even specify categories. Any transactions from your bank or credit card statements are auto sorted and the ones the program doesn’t recognize alerts you to manually sort it.”
“That’s amazing. You made this yourself?”
“Yes. I’ve made about a dozen different ones so far.”