Page 38 of Come Back to Me
“Get out,” Savvy grinds out through clenched teeth.
“Sav, let’s talk about this…” Chad takes slow steps towards her with his hands raised.
“Get the fuck out, Chad.”
“She said get out.” The muscles in my jaw clench and release as I try to maintain my composure. He doesn’t have long before I'm going to show him a few things the military taught me while he was busy sticking his dick where it didn’t belong.
Chapter 21
My blood boils as I stare at who I’ve considered my boyfriend and my best friend. I can't believe them. The thought of them sneaking around behind my back, especially for so long, is ridiculous. But it’s the bet that gets to me. Nausea sweeps through me. I have to fight to keep from darting to the bathroom and emptying my entire dinner into the toilet.
I’ve always felt like I wasn’t the type of girl Chad would date. I found it odd that he showed so much interest in me, but I never would’ve imagined he only asked me out because of a bet. I feel like the butt of a joke. I'm sure tons of people have been laughing at my expense, wondering how long until the book nerd finally gave it up to the quarterback.
I'm sure Chad thought I’d be a quick lay. Mr. Popularity making all my dreams come true. Yet he never pushed me to do more. He let me guide how quickly our relationship moved.
I push all of this to the back of my head and focus on the present. Dad’s seconds away from punching Chad and Nixon isn't far behind him. I want Chad and Devon out of the house before that happens. I wouldn’t be shocked at all if Chad tried to press charges, especially if Nixon touches him.
“You have five minutes to get out or I’ll remove you and set all your shit on fire.” Nixon plants himself next to me, a silent pillar of strength for me to lean on.
“Let’s just go, Chad. Who cares anymore? She knows about the bet, it’s over.” Devon gives him a gentle shove towards the stairs.
“Only because you told her!”
They stomp towards the stairs, arguing the entire time. I'm sure they’re going to have a fun ride home, five hours locked in a car together.
“Are you ok?” Nixon rests a hand on my arm. His eyes search mine, trying to find a crack in my armor. He won't find any… not yet. I refuse to break down in front of everyone. I’ll wait until I’m alone to let all of this sink in.
“I'm fine. I just want to go to bed. The faster they leave, the faster I can do that.” I fold my arms over my chest and hide my hurt behind a mask of boredom.
“I'm not opposed to shooting the bastard. Just give me the word and I’ll get the shotgun, Sav,” Dad steps up on my other side, placing an arm over my shoulders. He tugs me against his side and places a gentle kiss on the top of my head.
“I can sit on him while you punch him.” Mom gives me a sympathetic smile.
“Thanks, guys. I promise I’m fine.” I keep my gaze locked on the stairs.
When Devon comes down the stairs, she beams a bright smile at Nixon. She slips a piece of paper into his chest pocket.
“When you get bored of her, give me a call. I promise you won't regret it.” She throws him a wink before walking out the door with her chin held high.
I can't believe how different she is now that she’s not hiding things from me. She’s always been a hopeless flirt, but she never went near Chad, not that I realized at least. I wonder how often Devon hung out with me just to be close to Chad. I feel like the last four years have been a total lie.
“Sav… I’m sorry.” Chad takes the stairs slowly and stops in front of me.
“Just get out, Chad. I don’t want to talk to you.”
The second he takes a step out the door, he spins around to say something. I slam the door in his face, not caring what he could possibly want to tell me.
“I don’t want to talk about it. I'm going to bed.” I hold my hand up to stop the onslaught of questions I know will be coming.
“We love you, sweetie.” Mom runs a comforting hand up and down my back.
“I’ll still shoot him. I'm not scared of prison.” Dad shrugs a shoulder.
“I love you guys too. And Dad… just no. Don’t shoot anyone. Goodnight.”