Page 42 of Come Back to Me
“You didn’t even watch it though! You just covered your eyes and whimpered until it was over. It’s kinda weird to think you’re supposed to be this big tough military man. Like what would you do if you had seen a snake in the middle east?”
“I did and the girly screams that erupted from my body aren’t something I'm proud of. I don’t think the guys ever let me live it down.” He shakes his head, getting lost in his own memory.
“What did you want, Nix?” I soften my voice, more than ready to end this night.
Nixon closes the distance between us. He places a gentle hand on my hip and cups my cheek with the other one.
“Please don’t run away from me like that again. There’s a reason I didn’t answer right away, but I'm not ready to tell you yet… When do you go back to school?”
“Give me until Sunday, then I’ll tell you everything.” The pad of his thumb brushes over my bottom lip, making butterflies flurry inside of me. I’d give anything to erase the space between us and feel his lips on mine.
“Why not now?” I stare up at him, wanting to know everything.
“Because I have a feeling you’re going to retreat into yourself and need some time to process it. I don’t want to waste the days you have left with your parents. They deserve all of you.”
“But don’t I deserve to know?”
“You deserve the world, Savvy, I'm just not sure you’re going to let me give it to you.”
Nixon presses a soft kiss to my forehead then he’s out the door without another word. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t rattled. He makes me feel too much. It’s too easy to fall in love with him all over again when he’s this sweet to me.
I want to hate Nixon. I want to hit him and scream at him. More than anything, I want the feelings I get every time he enters a room to go away. I can't fall back in love with him. He’s only going to hurt me all over again and I'm not sure I’d survive that.
Chapter 24
I laid in bed for hours last night trying to get the image of Savvy standing in front of me in nothing except a lace bra and panties out of my head, but it was no use. I covered my eyes as soon as my brain caught up to what my eyes were seeing, yet I’ll still never be able to erase the image from my brain.
Today, I'm not sure what we’re doing. The plan was to hang out together on Saturday, but now that Chad and Devon are gone, I'm not sure anymore.
“Morning.” Savannah smiles sweetly at me over the rim of her coffee cup. She’s sitting at the dining room table with one foot tucked under her and the other knee bent so she can rest her chin on it. She’s wearing a thin tank top and a pair of pajama pants, looking completely adorable.
This is what I’ve dreamed of. I’ve always wanted Savvy to be the first person I see every morning and the last one I speak to at night.
“Morning,” I say softly as I grab a clean mug and fill it with coffee. “Where are the parents?”
“At the restaurant. They said they needed to get some things prepped for the weekend rush.”
“Do they need help?”
“Nah, they know we were planning to spend a day together this weekend and they said to do it today..” A small smile tugs on the corner of her lips.
“Right. Well, whenever you’re ready, we can begin our day.”
“Where are we going and what are we doing?”
“Nope! That’s a secret and you don’t need to know.” I shake my head, unable to hide my grin.
“Nixon,” she groans my name, making all of my thoughts turn dirty.
“Savannah,” I mimic her groaning and flop onto the chair next to her. I lean my head back against the chair, but turn so I'm facing her. “Do you trust me?”
“Of course,” she whispers softly. “You’re one of the few people I know I’m always safe with.”
“Good. Once I finish my coffee and get dressed, we can go.”