Page 105 of See You Again
“James?” The tone of her voice behind him raised the hairs on his neck. When he turned to face her, she had an odd, pinched expression.
“What’s wrong?”
She worried her lip, her eyes darting around the kitchen. “This is going to sound crazy, but… I think someone was in the house.”
She had his full attention now. “What do you mean?”
“My closet door was closed.”
James frowned.
“I told you it would sound crazy.” Her voice rose, and she crossed her arms over her stomach. “I always leave it open. Since I was a kid.” Her cheeks pinked. “I was afraid of monsters, so I always left it open.”
“There’s no chance you closed it by accident?”
“No.” Cami was getting agitated. “It felt weird up there, too. I don’t know how to explain it.”
“I believe you.” James pulled her into a tight hug and stroked a hand over her back, even as his brain was setting off alarms. “The door was locked when we arrived.” James assessed the house. Other than the front door, James observed the only point of access would be through the back door in the kitchen. He could see that the deadbolt was flipped and the windows were intact. “I’ll check your other windows. Stay here.”
“No way!” Cami followed so closely behind him as he went back into the front room they were practically touching. It only took a minute to confirm that those windows were locked and unbroken as well.
Cami stood back with a frustrated frown on her face. “I don’t understand.”
Her gaze shifted around the room, and then she rushed forward to the coffee table, picking up her computer and rifling through the files next to it.
“These were in my bag. One of them is missing.”
“Which one?”
Cami’s face was pale when she lifted her gaze. “The one with the police reports about when Amy went missing and the original witness statements.”
Her eyes immediately went to the front of the house, and she shivered. James closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her. She was trembling.
“It couldn’t have been Crawford. He was at the event with us.” Her voice wavered despite her words.
James’s mind raced. It was a threat. Someone had been in her house. Someone interested in Amy’s case.
Cami pulled back to look at the files again. Her forehead puckered. “It doesn’t make any sense. They aren’t originals.”
“You’re positive you didn’t leave it somewhere else?”
She gave him an are-you-kidding-me face.
“I’m just asking. Someone went to the trouble of breaking in without leaving a trace. If you hadn’t noticed the closet door, you might not have realized when you lost the file, right?”
Cami nodded, staring off into space. “Why, if you are going to take a file, just take that one? What’s the point?” She chewed the inside of her cheek for a second. “There’s something else I need to tell you.”
His entire body tensed.
“The floral arrangement. It’s not the first time something um… disconcerting has happened.”
“You told me about the comments…” The resigned look in her eye had him hardening his jaw. “What else?”
“I haven’t even told Madison about this. But a couple times over the last couple of weeks—since we started airing Amy’s story—I think someone has been coming to my house.”
James struggled to hold on to his temper even as anger crept up his spine. “Explain.”
“It wasn’t anything serious.” She hurried to assure him. “And almost everything could be explained away. It was just a feeling at first. Like I was being watched. Then one day, when I got home, someone had knocked over a flowerpot on the steps. Another time, there were smudges on the windows.”